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WJ 19-23 Get Energized – Raise Your Vibration with Dawn James

The Wellness Journey Podcast Series presents “Loving the Natural You” series with Lynnis Woods Mullins and her guest Dawn James, on air June 4th

Since 2003, Ms. James has dedicated her life to teaching others how to raise their consciousness and understand and enhance personal vibrational frequency for overall health and well-being. She is the author of 7 books on conscious living, has travelled 4 continents teaching others how to live a high vibration life and live in harmony with the planet.





Dawn James says she is living her second life. Her first life ended abruptly in 2003, when she died, crossed over.  Ms James travelled the world of higher consciousness and returned. Since 2003, Ms James has dedicated her life to teaching others how to raise their consciousness, as well as to understand and enhance personal vibrational frequency for overall health and well-being. She is the author of 7 books on conscious living, has travelled 4 continents teaching others how to live a high vibration life and live in harmony with the planet.

Her underlying philosophy is that knowledge of self is the key to personal freedom. She acknowledges that we need to be the correlators and write our life script–not just read it. Ms James believes that we are designed to be happy, healthy, and to live in harmony; she thinks that some of us have just forgotten the way.

Ms. James is offering the opportunity to the public to receive her eBook Change Your Words, Change Your Vibration (affirmations) free at

Wellness Woman 40 and Beyond Self-Care/Self-Love Wellness Retreat 

Relax in the hidden beauty of Costa Ballena with breath-taking views of mountains and oceans that will help you to reconnect with your mind, renew your spirit, and re-energize your body.

This self-care/self-love wellness retreat is for you if…..

  1. need to refresh, relax and recharge your mind, body, and spirit

  2. jumpstart your wellness practices

  3. find balance and learn to stay more present

  4. feel more connected to nature

  5. unlock the door to your joy zone

  6. reduce stress

  7. sleep better

Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it! Then let’ do it! For more information email me with your name and phone number and I will contact you within 24 hours or Click Book Now below to start booking your trip!


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