Their Story Matters with Sara Troy and her guest Jackie Van Campen, on air from October 6th
I grew up in a country where being sexually active at 12/13 y/o was normalized. Teen pregnancy was (and still is) a common occurrence. By the time I was 12, I was already making out with 15/16-y/o boys. By the time I was 13, I was making out with a 23-y/o man. It was normal for young women to date much older guys. Enter the movie “Cutie” on Netflix. After reading so many posts of distraught women bashing Netflix for the hypersexualization of children for the way they were promoting the show, I decided to watch it for myself and gather my own opinions on it. If all you got from it was the hypersexualization of children, you missed very significant pieces and layers, including what leads to these issues. As I watching the show, I was reminded of my own experiences and things I saw growing up
Religious and cultural oppression of women
Peer pressure
Lack of open communication between parents and children
Competition among girls
Lack of resources and education
Need for validation of worth
Sexual abuse.
There’s so much I want to say about these points and how some of them directly impacted me as a tween/teen and then as an adult. I’m still gathering my thoughts…One thing I’ll say is that as I look at my own girls (22, 15, and 12), I’m grateful that their experiences so far have been very different than mine at their respective ages. We don’t protect our children by hiding things from them. We protect them by having open dialogue and communication – something I did not have growing up. I hope that instead of freaking out over things, we can actually have open and honest conversations, especially as women, because if we want to change the way children are hypersexualized, we need to start by confronting the issues that lead to it, including the demons in our own closets..
Jackie VanCampen is the author of Letters to My Daughter: A Mother’s Journey of Healing and Transformation, and co-author of Amazon Best-Seller Miracles, Momentum, and Manifestation – Unleash the Secret Powers of Having the Life You Desire and The Little Black Book of Fitness. Her album titled Jackie VanCampen’s Soulful Expression debuted in the Top 10 on Amazon and has touched many people. She is a medium, direct channel, and energy healer. She’s also a motivational speaker and founder of Wise Heart Within, which serves to support and facilitate healing and transformation in every area of life. She believes that when you can fully love and embrace your light, you can shine it for others to walk their own paths powerfully. After experiencing a spiritual awakening in 2011, when she was visited by what she calls, “Beings of Light,” Jackie knew she her life was going to change completely. As a gifted intuitive, she helps people discover their soul work and release mental, emotional, and spiritual densities that keep them from living fulfilling lives. She is a bridge between the Earth and the Spiritual realms and facilitates the connection between oneself and one’s spirit guides as well as deceased loved ones. Jackie has been featured on various podcasts and interviews and was also a contributing writer on various online media outlets, including having one of her poems published in Spiritual Writers Network’s book Whispers of the Soul, A Poetry Anthology and in Journey of the Heart. She is an NLP and Timeline certified practitioner, as well as a Reiki and Access Bars practitioner and is immersed in the personal and spiritual development world. She combines her expertise and tools with her intuitive gifts and abilities to provide the ultimate healing and coaching experience. Jackie is a Women’s Leader in the Soka Gakkai, a lay Buddhist organization dedicated to spreading happiness through peace, culture, and education, and Community Leader with Women for Women International. She’s a wife and the mother of three beautiful, creative, self-expressed daughters.

Letters to My Daughter: A Mother’s Journey of Healing and Transformation ($15)
In this heart-warming, inspirational book, Jacqueline shares her life-story with her 14-year-old daughter in order to show her that when we listen to the wisdom of our heart, we are more empowered to choose a context for our lives that allows us to live from a place of victory as opposed to victimhood.
Unleash the Secret Powers of Having the Life You Desire. For More Information BUY HERE

This book is a collection of poems which were selected by the Spiritual Writers Network, and includes one of my poems.” To purchase a copy, please click HERE.