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SDM 19-10 Reading for the Stars at the Oscars with Debra Thomlison

Self Discovery Mediums with Sara Troy and her guest Debra Thomlison, on air March 5th


Self Discovery Media was a proud sponsor of Debra Thomlison Mystic Psychic for the Oscar Stars 2019, she shares her wonderful experience reading for the Academy stars for the OSCARS.

Debra shared her story with us on another show,(see link below) how she came about her gift of psychic reading, now we celebrate her growth and the wonderful arena of reading for the Stars that has come up and her expansion in teaching others to use the gift of psychic reading too.





At the age of 6 Debra began as a clairvoyant. Her career spans 4 decades. With clients worldwide, she provides accurate readings in Tarot, Palmistry, Medium ship and her favourite the talent of clairvoyance. She has worked as a psychic in 10 new age shops throughout Vancouver Island and attended 100’s of psychic trade shows. Today she runs her own show called the Mystic Market with more than 50 vendors, live entertainment, great food vendors and vendors practicing in the wellness industry. We will catch a glimpse today of how it all went down reading at the Oscar’s gift event in Hollywood California.

Avalon Gems readings  #62-560 Johnson street, lower level.

October for Mystic Market.

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