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PLV Radio is live!

Positive Living Vibrations Radio Network is here for you.

We are delighted to bring you exciting inspiring enlightening people who will rock your world.


I am Sara Troy a radio host of another station for 13 months now bringing you a new concept and a station to inspire you into action. 

Starting in June we are bringing you shows of such diversification that it will make you think, laugh and get you embracing possibilities of your own.

We are in start up mode and over the next few months will be bringing you new and exciting opportunities to be a part of the PLV Network in many diverse ways. Over the summer you will hear many a joyful show with more to come as we build. We will launch the PLV RADIO Network fully in September with Indie music weekends book readings and round table formats in serving you the listeners. 

If you wish to host a show check out our offerings, if you wish to request to hear a topic or have inspiring people you recommend for me to interview, drop me a line. We are here for you for your excitement encouragement to bring you experts and knowledge to help you on your journey in life. 

Stay tuned as we build something great fro you, enjoy the fun and bare with us as we develop a radio station that lifts your D.I.V.A into life.

A D.I.V.A is a Dreamer who Inspires Vision into Action

To contact Sara Troy at 


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