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CP19-24 Compassionate Leadership Programs using Horses and a Life-Spider technic.

Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guests Ann-Britt Bolinder and  Leigh Hodgins, on air from June 12th

Ann-Britt Bolinder – Gustavsborg PRE and Leigh Hodgins – Willow Spirit Path Holistic Services, together they offer Heart Path – Compassionate Leadership Programs

The HeartPath Compassionate Leadership Program for Women is for women who want to take their leadership skills to the next level to be more successful in their life and career.

Each Compassionate Leadership Program consists of two components, the first component is LifeSpider™ Group Coaching and the second component is Facilitated Equine Experiential Learning™. The combination of these two programs will allow you to become a better leader by developing your emotional intelligence and leading more from your heart instead of your brain.





Ann-Britt Bolinder:

Ann-Britt is a creative entrepreneur who started her career in advertising and then moved on to being a self-employed fashion designer, making beautiful dresses for Nobel Prize banquets, weddings as well as everyday clothing.

Ann-Britt was thrown into the horse world when her daughter started to ride, 1992.

Ann-Britt, who was a great admirer of horses, found out that she was terrified of them and to overcome that fear she decided to start riding. Ann-Britt quickly understood that horses are magnificent, loving creatures.

When she and her husband bought Gustavsborgs Gård they moved from Stockholm to the south of Sweden and quit their careers. Her husband Kenneth as CIO and Vice President for an international corporation. Gustavsborg PRE, a stud-farm for PRE-horses was founded. The whole family were involved in the business. Ann-Britt projected her creativity into their stud-farm arranging clinics, both for horses and dogs.

She is passionate about good food and during the clinics she provides lunch for their guests. This resulted in guests asking for recipes and she wrote two cookbooks, one of which she co-authored with her daughter.

FEEL turned out to be a life-transforming journey in personal and emotional growth.

Ann-Britt became a FEEL Practioner in 2017 and an Advanced FEEL Practioner in 2018.

Ann-Britt Bolinder – Gustavsborg PRE


Leigh Hodgins:

Leigh’s love and passion for horses were kindled when she was five years old. Her Dad took her to visit a friend’s ponies and from that day forward, horses were a part of her life. If she wasn’t dreaming of horses, she was drawing them, riding or collecting them.

As an adult, Leigh’s passion for animals continued. While her career took her into the corporate world, her home was on acreage with dogs, a donkey, and horses she adopted over the years. Leigh honed her business skills, first in law firms as a paralegal, then as an Assistant Corporate Secretary for an energy company and finally for a governance consulting business. In 2007, while working at the energy company she went back to school and obtained a B.A. Integrated Liberal Arts and Business Studies Program from Simon Fraser University.

Over the years, there were some major personnel changes in her life and Leigh gradually retreated into herself and shut down her emotions. As she spent more time with her horses and became grounded Leigh started to ‘feel’ life again, with renewed mental and physical energy.

In 2016, Leigh decided to take some time off work to help with some family matters. During this time she came across the program to become a facilitator in Facilitated Equine Experiential Learning®. Becoming a FEEL Practitioner was a life-changing journey that allowed Leigh to partner with her horses and fully develop her intuitive skills and compassion and live her best life!

Willow Spirit Path Holistic Services:

More on your host and shows Choose-positive-living



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