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C16-44b Mind-Body Health Recovery

Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest  Miranda Adams on air from November 1st 


I am passionate about inspiring people to live their truth and self actualise, I also specialise in health improvement and recovery with vast experience both personally and professionally, I  love for the opportunity to speak  on the power of the mind body link and self actualisation.

Expect the unexpected We never know what may happen Understand yourself To understand anything else We are always dancing Coming together and apart Learning in the process The being It’s all a flow All one Look at the whole Not only one part All answers lies in the being Look here, Look here What’s in the being All answers exist here; Here in the known unknown 💗

~ M. L Adams



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Ten steps to Transforming your Health:

Discover how easily you can begin to achieve your health goals.

We are a health recovery coaching service that offers health and wellness coaching and programmes specialising in illness and injury recovery; helping you to develop and maintain the mind-set  to improve your health and  wellbeing and therefore benefit you in all areas of your life.

Our services include coaching and programmes for overcoming health challenges such as fatigue, anxiety/ phobias and low mood as well as coaching for the mind-set to achieve your health and fitness ambitions. Coaching programmes with Mirala Health takes you from feeling  limited  by  poor health, fears and limiting beliefs, to feeling free and being at the best so you are then able to achieve all of your life goals.

Miranda Adams (34) is a Health Recovery Specialist, having worked  in the area field of health and wellness for 12 years and with both an extensive background personally and professionally, Miranda brings a unique and very effective range of skills and tools to each client for their ultimate success in health.

Her professional skills and experience range from personal training, health recovery coaching (mind and body), NLP coaching, Nutritional planning and exercise referral (Health and exercise training for people with an illness or disability)

These methods and skills combined offer a formidable plan for success in health improvement and recovery, with a 100% success rate and satisfaction from all clients, Miranda offers you a guaranteed plan for your success in health. No matter what the obstacle is she will help you overcome it.

To add to the benefits, Miranda also has significant personal experience to, allowing for greater empathy, connection and understanding with each and every client. Growing up with a health condition as a child she was in a wheelchair until the age of 11 not being able to do any physical activities other than swimming , she managed to overcome these limitation to not only walk freely but to become a fitness instructor and black belt in karate by the age of 22. In addition to this Miranda also overcame a severe anxiety condition which suffered with throughout her teens and early adulthood. Exercise and martial arts played a huge part in the overcoming of this.

Realising how important and valuable health and wellness is Miranda is extremely passionate about helping others to overcome their own health challenges. With the tools and methods that offer guaranteed success and outstanding compassion and dedication to you, with Miranda you are always in the best hands for the outcome you wish to have.


More on your host and shows Choose-positive-living


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