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C16/28b “In Drowning In The Light of Consciousness” with Jared Rosen

Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Jared Rosen aired July 12th-18th


In Drowning In The Light: Memories Of The New Age, author I.J. Rosen takes the reader along in an exhilarating dive into the depths of the sea of consciousness in search for his soul and the structure of reality.

Jared's front cover

Along the way the author shares his experiences with some of the most profound thinkers and renowned artists of our time. With a perfect blend of dark humor and deep spiritual wisdom, the pages fly as we are transported from the late 1970s downtown NY scene, to shamanic initiations in the mountains of Peru to his heartfelt yet satirical observations of New Age culture in 1980’s California.

Rosen brilliantly articulates the pain and vulnerability one can experience searching for spiritual truth as he faces death and sanity head on. By the final pages, you will know it is life’s journey that makes us who we are. Drowning In The Light will entertain you and may also transform you. Think Jack Kerouc’s On The Road meets Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist.



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I.J. Rosen was born in Brooklyn in the 1950s. Destined to live the life of the artist he moved to lower Manhattan in the late seventies and began showing in galleries and performing in underground clubs in Soho and Tribeca. After leaving the art world, the author pursued his quest for spiritual knowledge. From shamanic initiations in Peru with a traditional medicine man, to

receiving a Masters degree in art therapy – Rosen delved deeper into his own psyche. Pushing the envelope he introduced his own form of guided imagery and self expression into psychiatric hospitals with populations ranging from children to the criminally insane.

On the other side, he developed and taught Whole Self Management programs to Executives, and Executive Coaches in the U.S. and Australia. I.J. Rosen is the co-author to the book Inner Security and Infinite Wealth (Select Books 2003) and the critically acclaimed book The Flip (Hampton Roads 2006). As a publisher and the founder of DreamSculpt Media, Inc. Rosen has produced dozens of digital media e-books for best selling authors, film producers and media channels as well as presented at venues ranging from the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco to TED X in Malibu. CA.  I.J. Rosen lives in the Sonoma Wine Country with his wife.


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