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C16/21b “Short Path to Change” with Jenny

Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Jenny Mannion, aired May 24th-30th


Jenny Mannion

As a young mother, Jenny was faced with several health challenges that doctors told her she would have difficulty ever overcoming. With determination, she sought out ways to help herself heal. Using the natural healing techniques that she discovered, Jenny successfully eliminated her symptoms of multiple chronic diseases miraculously in under one month. She has since written over 200 articles on healing naturally. Most recently, she has authored the book, A Short Path to Change: 30 Ways to Transform Your Life by Llewellyn Publishing. She currently works with both terminally & chronically ill clients as a mind/body mentor and energy healing practitioner using Soul Realignment and Reconnective Healing. She also reads and clears Akashic Records for people and properties. Jenny is available for guest speaking and interviews including radio, print, television, podcast interviews, Tele summits, book signings & workshops.

Jenny Mannion graduated from Penn State University with a BA in psychology and was always interested in how the mind worked and in helping others. She began her own transformation through healing herself of several chronic diseases in three weeks. Since healing, Jenny has become an alternative healing practitioner, mind/body mentor and inspires people to connect with their inner power to create the life they desire. Jenny has witnessed clients in her own practice heal from depression, cancer, MS and many other chronic diseases and come out not only healthy but creating a life they never dreamed of. It is Jenny’s passion to help others tap into their own inner powers to transform their lives as she shares in the book she authored called, “A Short Path to Change: 30 Ways to Transform Your Life.” Jenny now conducts workshops and is a contributing blogger for The Huffington Post. She is originally from New York City and now lives in upstate New York with her two children.



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Skype ID: jennifer.mannion


SPECIAL BONUS: Receive exclusive guided audio exercises from the book

More on your host Sara Troy show’s Choose-positive-living


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