Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guests, Kim Howie, and Nancy Werteen, on air from October 13th
In The Power Of A Pause, co-founders of The Wisdom Coalition, Kim Howie, MSPP and health coach, and Nancy Werteen, MCA, a television news journalist and writer, deconstruct the evidence and show you how to put this powerful tool to work in your life through personal stories and scientific evidence.
What is the secret to happiness? At the Wisdom Coalition, we feel it is finding joy in every day and every experience. Our presentations focus on how we can move through the challenges of life with confidence and maintain our focus on the power of the joy we all have within ourselves. We provide tips and tools to show people how to wake up to the power within them.
Our presentations can be tailored to any group and any subject because joy fits into every category. Past themes include:

*The Power Of A Pivot: How changing your mindset can bring you more joy in every aspect of your life *Managing seasonal stress *Upgrade your attitude-enhance your productivity! *Putting yourself back on your own to-do list *Fear is just a four-letter word *Bouncing back from mistakes *Letting go of resentments
*The Wisdom Symbol (which is the cornerstone of the Wisdom Coalition, reminding us how to stay true to ourselves despite changes around us)
We are: -Certified Health Coach Kim Howie, author and founder of Live Balanced for Life and the Pure Energy Program (a wellness program that stresses pure energy from food sources). Kim holds a Master’s degree in Positive Psychology. She brings her incredible ability to find joy every day.
-Television news reporter Nancy Werteen with WFMZ-TV69. Nancy brings 28 years of experience observing people and noting what holds them back and what moves them forward. Nancy has a Master’s degree in Communication Arts from the New York Institute of Technology.
More about the Wisdom Coalition: We help people change their mindset so they can find joy in every aspect of their lives. We bring our message to our audience in a number of ways:
*Virtual and in person workshops and presentations for corporations:
*The Wisdom Coalition television show on WFMZ-TV:
*The Wisdom Coalition weekly podcast on iTunes and SoundCloud:
*Our books, The Power Of A Pivot and The Power Of A Pause
*Events in the community:
*Written materials and print:
On-line courses
Reboot You
Remember when your computer was new? It came with a clean slate and you loaded in exactly what you wanted your computer to do and produce. But over time, it started to slow down and get quirky based on overloads to its system and not enough attention to what it needed to run efficiently. Our inner world can be just like this!! We ignore it’s intricacies and find ourselves hitting roadblocks and slowing down.
This course is designed to provide you with the tools to take control of your life so you can find, feel and fuel your core energy with joy. It is broken down into ten installments including video and written elements. You work at your own pace to discover how to change your mindset using the science of positive psychology.
Filling In The Missing Peace
In our search for inner peace and joy, we can sometimes feel that there is something missing-that we just can’t put all of the pieces of the puzzle together. We have discovered three elements that can provide the completion you are looking for. They are self-compassion, self-forgiveness and self-love. These are the pillars of a healthy inner world that guide our interactions with ourselves, others and the outside world.
This course will help you focus on what you can strengthen in these areas and includes video elements, a downloadable workbook, self-discovery exercises and guided meditations. Become the love of your own life!