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C 17-10&11 Creating online Courses or group Programs with Petra Mayer

Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Petra Mayer, on air from March 7th.


We want our business to grow strong and with longevity, but what do we need in place in order to do that? If you’re a professional offering coaching, consulting or you’re services -based professional, which is the best way to serve your community and build your business?

Petra will be sharing her skills of 20 years with us on how to place these building blocks of growth that make’s your business stronger and more in demand. 

With more than 20 years of experience in the corporate world and her private practice, Petra Mayer is a business strategy coach based in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia. Petra lends her expertise to coaches, consultants and service-based professionals who need help turning their vision into action, specifically to create a signature system of online courses and group programs. Through a systematic approach, Petra helps her clients gain clarity and overcome barriers in order to create an online presence that attracts their ideal clients and result in the freedom entrepreneurs seek in their business.

I believe that strategy is personal. One size doesn’t fit all—what will work for your business is as individual as your fingerprint. This is particularly true if you are an entrepreneur or a small business owner. When it comes to defining your online strategy, your full involvement is needed.

Let me guide you through the process—I will hold you by the hand every step of the way. The end result is a strategy that you will know like the back of your hand, with all the pieces in place for easy implementation. While my approach does follow a proven methodology, we will work together to build a plan tailored to your personal preferences and unique situation.




For mobile/tablets you can download free apps here:  CLICK HERE


This gift is a self-assessment where listeners can identify the areas to focus on if they want to start creating online courses or group programs. It also includes an invitation to request a 2-step clarity session with me.

The Big Leap Bootcamp is a 6-month mentorship program during which my clients take their Big Idea and turn it into an Online Course or Group Program. They follow my systematic approach and as a result transform their business. The program includes a lot of interactive components such as Online VIP days, Group Training calls and my Strategy Power Hour during which I answer all their questions. It comes also with a number of highly valuable bonuses.

If you’d like to have more details about the program you can find it here:



FB Group: Freedom Seeker’s Mastermindgroups/fsmastermind

Twitter: petra_mayer

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