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BB20-45 Hugh Culver and Blogging for Business

Building your business with Sara Troy and her guest Hugh Culver, on air from November 3rd

How to use your blog to build your business. In a world of Facebook advertising and interruption media, blogging might seem old fashioned. In fact, your blog could be the secret to a highly successful marketing strategy. Learn how Hugh Culver built the BlogWorks team and how they create blog success for service professionals. Hugh Culver, MBA, CSP co-created the world’s most expensive tours (to the South Pole), has presented to over 1,200 audiences as a professional speaker, is the CEO of BlogWorks, and author of Give Me a Break – the art of making time work for you. His blog at reaches 500,000 readers a year.

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I’m a recovering over-achiever who researches, writes, and speaks on how to THINK better, PLAN smarter, and ACT now on what really matters.

I speak 45 times a year either on the main stage teaching my Think, Plan, Act model (last year I had 25 standing ovations) or one of my three workshops (leadership, conflict, time). The rest of my work time is dedicated to helping other speakers grow their business.

Some facts about me

Co-founded the world’s most exclusive tour company and only private flights to the South Pole.

Built (or was a partner) in five businesses, including eco-tourism, construction, training and development, and whitewater rafting.

Selected to present (over 1,000 speeches and counting) to Telus, Royal Bank of Canada, Fortis, PepsiCo, Shoppers Drug Mart, UBC, Canfor, and Suncor.

Ultra distance athlete, mountain climber, father, husband

Presented to faculty at four universities and three colleges

MBA, CSP (one of 50 Canadian Certified Speaking Professionals), CFP (one of 150 Canadian Certified Facilitation Professionals)


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