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18-14 This Orchard of Wisdom is 6 years old

Sara Troy on Sara’s View of Life, on air from April 3rd.


I am proud to say April 4th is 6 years since I started this journey of Self Discovery. Since then I have around 1000 shows under my belt, a beautiful community of soul, heart spirit minded people who because they embraced their own journeys and now sharing their wonderful techniques and wisdom with the world.

When I started out with Authentic You Media, doing just one live show a week, I never knew that I would have my own network and be inspired weekly by those who are making a global difference in the lives of others.

I stepped into my purpose, I became who I was meant to be and I through this journey became one with self. You can not listen to these wonderful people and not be inspired, you can not hear how they embraced their own redirect no matter how hard and became the awesome teachers, nurtures and inspires they are today.

So in this pride of purpose and in what Self Discovery Radio stands for, I am embracing our networks next chapter.

Youtube Video.

We are primarily an audio blog network but now offer both video and audio shows. So however you hear us, through reading their content, listening to the show or seeing it on a video, we impart our guest wonderful knowledge in all ways to help you on your life’s journey. If doing a video is not for you, your show is still featured on youtube as an audio with graphics.


We are a network that celebrates you the listener and supports our guests through many avenues.

Be Our Guest, for a small contribution, we give you your own posting filled with your written info, graphics, books, programs, audio, video and all your info. INFO HERE

We Show-Case your Events, book, programs, webinars, seminars etc.

We offer you a Series platform of 6-8 shows you host on a particular topic, book, program. ( we can do the interviewing if you wish)

Hosting your own weekly show bring your own hosting expertise and passion for people.

Coming in the second half of the year is our second Self Discovery book, where our radio guests/host contribute a chapter, a show and be part of a movie.

Our vision for the future is where we have our own Self Discovery Directory, featuring our radio guests and the work they are doing, which in turn supports those that need it the most.


I have come a long way over the last 6 years, and I can finally say, this is home for me, it is meaningful, purposeful, insightful and liberating for those who are ready to spread their own wings.






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