Sara Troy on Sara’s View of Life, on air from July 18th
I have been at a loss for some time, I know I love my work interviewing those who are making a global difference in the world, it is my calling my purpose in life, but I have to admit, I am at a loss of who I am in my own life outside of purpose. So I am thinking of going home to England for a while.
I do not know how this is going to happen, but I want to give it a try and see if this is what is calling to me. I have to admit, even though I get to speak to some awesome people daily through my radio shows, I am lonely in my personal life, in fact, I have no life.
I have a couple of wonderful friends who make the effort to see me, others it’s about what I can do for them. But even my friends have full lives and are busy, I am just flapping in the wind here, trying to find a life.
So maybe going home for a while, spending time with my sister and brother will give me some direction. I know they are also looking for new directions and maybe we can do it together. I am not looking at going for long, a few months, but go and see what happens, for even though I have been here in Canada 37 years this month and have my children here, I do not feel at home. It is not Canada, as this is a wonderful place to live, it is not my children, for they are all living their own lives, it is me trying to find a place in my own life that I feel at home in.
So the seeds are planted, if it is to be it will be, but water it I will, for I must do something outside of work to feel alive before I become too comfortable living in the nowhere land.