Their Story Matters and “for the LOVE of Music” with Sara Troy and her guest Raphael Weisman, on air from February 13th
Raphael says that there is a deep longing arising in the hearts of so many I have spoken with for community. Not just a group of friends with whom to share common visions and goals, but living communities where children can grow up in safety, where people can live in harmony with the Earth, producing healthy food and providing for the needs of the elderly and respect for all life and everyone, as well as the creatures, the elements and Mother Earth. I have carried this vision for so many years now and have considered a particular piece of land in Northern New Mexico as holding a tremendous potential to be this vision in manifestation. It is where I would also like to create a healing sanctuary where the vision and purposes of Healing The Scars can manifest. I am revisiting my older drafts of this community vision to generate a vision outline and proposal for the establishment of this community and the residential trauma centre.
Healing the Scars, Inc is a New Mexico non profit organization that was founded as a container for the purpose of spreading HeartThread around the world and providing services, programs, relief and tools for those affected by the devastating effects of war, violence, abuse and trauma and for the training of providers of these services. HTS is a vehicle for the ministry of Raphael Weisman, the founder. This ministry offers a comprehensive approach to providing assistance that weaves together a variety of modalities such as HeartThread, Art-, Dance- and Music- Therapies, professional and ministerial counselling services, Nature and Animal oriented programs, sustainable agriculture programs, spiritual and somatic practices and ceremony.R is committed to bringing healing and comfort to those who benefit from the sound of the harp, seeing this vibration as a force for healing on the planet. He has developed a line of Therapy harps for use by those who are working with sick or dying patients. These new models also provide a line of economy harps which allow beginners to purchase an entry level harp at an affordable price, thus proliferating the use of harps in the world.
Raphael is committed to bringing healing and comfort to those who benefit from the sound of the harp, seeing this vibration as a force for healing on the planet. He has developed a line of Therapy harps for use by those who are working with sick or dying patients. These new models also provide a line of economy harps which allow beginners to purchase an entry level harp at an affordable price, thus proliferating the use of harps in the world.
He is now semi-retired and living in Santa Fe, where he practices playing the harp and is involved in consciousness-raising projects, such as the Santa Fe Water Awareness Group, Healing the Scars, and Heart Thread.
The name Lorien was inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, and is the home of the elves. The founder of Harps of Lorien, Inc, Raphael Weisman somewhat resembles an Elf himself. He has been making instruments and been involved in creative artwork for over 30 years. He studied Musical Instrument technology and design in London and was one of the few instrument builders in the forefront of the revival of Early Music in Europe. He built Lutes, Bandoras, Orpharions, Renaissance Guitars, and other instruments based on originals that survived the ravages of time and ended up in museums around the world. He researched and specialized in the manufacture of the Vihuela, the predecessor of the guitar, spending a year making a replica of the only surviving instrument found in a museum in Paris, an intricately decorated bass instrument from around 1500, believed to originate in Moorish Spain
Raphael Weisman
For more information about Sara and the other show series, she hosts on Self Discovery Radio…