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TSM 15/36 A Series of Fortunate Events

Their Story Matters with Sara Troy and her Guest Bill Macquis originally aired September 8th 

 “Miracles in life don’t just happen, you live by making them happen

When everything is broken look to doing it a different way. We never know what we are capable of until we have to face doing something differently. Bill Mackie has had to face many adversities in life, both physical and mental but chose to see them as a gift and discover what this gift means for mankind.  We talk about Bill’s many life challenges and look at how humor has been a coping and healing factor in his life. We will look at each one of these statements and understand the depth of meaning and attitude needed to thrive in one’s life.

A Series of fortunate events…

Here is the incredible journey in life Bill has taken to becoming the man that his is today…

Footnote: CDA stands for Commonly Diagnosed As

  1. He was born with WV (Wonky Vision). CDA: Detached eye muscles (surgically corrected). Treatment: He participated in sports that require very rapid and accurate visual-physical reaction, co-ordination and timing. and became a very competitive go-cart, auto, motorcycle, power boat and snowmobile racer.

  2. He was born with OCP (Obsessive Compulsive Phenomenon). CDA Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treatment: Spent he spent his life trying to resolve the chicken & egg controversy only to realize one day that he becomes a highly respected Metaphysicist in the process.

  3. He has survived 3 life threatening bouts of IST (Invincibility Stress Testing). CDA: Life Threatening Injury or Trauma. First time at the age of 10 after breaking his back the doctors told his parents that he would not be able to walk again without undergoing surgery.and even then he still might end up in a wheelchair. Treatment: He refused surgery and taught himself how to walk again just to prove them wrong. Bill has now survived 4 broken back injuries and still walks 5 miles a day!

  4. He has survived 3 life threatening bouts of ABA (Accidental Brain Alterations). CDA: Brain Trauma Injuries Treatment: He became an entrepreneur, successful corporate executive, activist, legal adviser, mathematician, physicist, engineer, scientist, graphic designer, writer, desktop publisher, psychologist and a meta-physicist, only to discover that he was just a simple mortal man born with a very complex mind and a perfectly flawed brain

  5. He lives with CSUS (Can’t Stand Up Straight) CDA: Scoliosis Treatment: He took up long distance walking, extreme mountain biking, off road dirt bike racing, freestyle mogul and aerial skiing and downhill speed ski racing and despite all this he still can’t live by walking to follow a straight line in life…

  6. He lives with ITnS (Involuntary Twist n Shout). CDA: Parkinson’s Disease Treatment: He took out his iPod put on his headphones, cranked up the volume and transformed into a full-time Dancin’ Fool and believe it or not has never had so much fun in his life!

  7. He lives with JDFMN (Joints Don’t Fail Me Now) CDA: Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment: He became a writer, artist, musician and spokesman for the betterment of humanity

  8. He lives with NBB (No Back Bone) CDA Degenerative Bone Disease Treatment: He became an activist fighting for global legal Human Rights and Political reforms.

  9. He lives with LSD (Limited Shock Dissipation) CDA: Herniated, compressed and bulging discs Treatment: He slowed down so he could enjoy creating new opportunities to pursue in life

  10. He was diagnosed with TTBA (Thankful to be Alive)! CDA: Chronic Debilitating Pain Treatment: He gives thanks every day for receiving all of these gifts because they create the opportunities that enable him to live a very purposeful, meaningful and productive life!


A few word from Bill…

“Focusing the mind on accomplishing the impossible is how we transform our Dreams, Inspirations, Visions and Aspirations in life into becoming our reality. I am very thankful and fortunate for being blessed with all of my life experiences. For it is through these experiences that I am becoming the person that I am meant to be, a DIVA who believes that anything in life is possible. All you have to do is believe. Then as Nike says…”Just do it!”

aspiringly, Bill “Smok’n DAWG”  Maquis

To learn how Bill got the nickname “Smok’n DAWG” CLICK HERE



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Focusing the mind on accomplishing the impossible, transforms the unimaginable into reality. I am very thankful and fortunate for being blessed with all of these life experiences. It is these experiences that have molded and transformed me into the man that I am.


Miracles in life don’t just happen. You live life to make them happen!

My passion and love of for music has always played a very important role in my life. In fact, I spent most of my professional life working in the professional and consumer audio and music industries. Many of the things I have been able to accomplish in my life are to music. Here is a music video that inspired me, my work and in creating The Living Fractals Company and everything that it stands for…

aspiringly, Bill Maquis, founder The Living Fractals Company


Bill is also co-host on Wise Health with Suma Nathan 

To learn more about Bill and Suma’s radio show Wise Health please click here

If you have any questions you would like to ask Bill drop him a line:

More on your host Sara Troy their-story-matters


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