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Self Discovery has never been so much fun.

Self Discovery through Imagination starts here’



‘Feel Fabulously Focused in 30 Days’

This is a 30-Day course to help increase your focus and vibration around goal setting.

The Benefits: • Helps understand the Law of Attraction in a more creative way. • Gives you a clear plan to structure your activities.

• Moves you toward your goals vibrationally and proactively. • Moves you toward your goals in a fun, believable way for your Subconscious Mind.

This course includes: • 2 x Creative Art recycling projects on demonstration videos. • Downloadable PDF and Audio notes.

• A 30-Day Workbook to create your ‘Feel Fabulously Focused’ plan. • 4 x Personally Designed Mandalas to colour, one each week to aid mindful relaxation.

‘Feel Fabulously Focused in 30 Days’ This is a 30-Day course to help increase your focus and vibration around goal setting.

(Introductory Price £21 Online)(approx:$28 US Dollars)


‘You are Pure Potential’

• A Tools and Equipment Check List ‘You are Pure Potential’

The Benefits • Experience the 7 Week course before you purchase.

• Explore the Law of Potential and discover that you are Pure Potential.

• Learn how colouring Mandalas helps reduce anxiety and stress.

• Experience the joy of making fun recycling projects and turning trash into treasure.

Do Week 1 only from the 7 Week course to check if creative Self Discovery is right for you before purchasing ‘Super Charge your Self Confidence in 7 Creative Weeks’ course. The £42 (approx” $57.00 US Dollars) price for Week 1 will be deducted via a special Coupon from the 7 Week course if you decide to purchase, so you will not pay for Week 1 twice.


‘Super Charge your Self Confidence in 7 Creative Weeks’ 

This is a 7 week course based around the teachings of ‘The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success’ by Deepak Chopra.

The Benefits: • This course builds Self Confidence and Self Belief.

• It opens your mind to possibility both in yourself and the world around you.

• It prepares your mind to see new patterns and ideas so you can move forward in your own life.

• It taps into the 5 Ways to Well–Being which are 1. Connection with Others 2. Learning Something New 3. Giving 4. Mindfulness 5. Physical Activity

• It is fun, engaging and inspiring. • No previous experience is necessary.

.This course includes: • 12 x Creative Art projects with an emphasis on recycling, designed to illustrate the meaning of each weeks topic and also each is a metaphor for ourselves. There is beauty in everything when we take the time to look and use our imagination.

• A Tools and Equipment Check List • Fun Creative Thinking and Writing tasks to engage both brain hemispheres. • Creative games that encourage communication between families and friends.

• My personally designed Mandalas to colour weekly, to help mindful relaxation.

• A survey carried out that proved colouring Mandalas and Geometric shapes help reduce anxiety and stress.

• Additional reading to stimulate thought through the writing of Mildred Mann, who was herself a metaphysical teacher.

• The course is available with me in person for those who live near in or around Shropshire, and online for those who life further away or abroad.

• The online course includes PDF and Audio downloads of the weekly notes and 20 instructional videos for 12 creative projects.

Cost   (Price £294 Online/ £329 in person)  (approx:$387.00  US Dollars)

• A members only Facebook Group Page and also Community Discussion Area within the course platform.


Immerse yourself in positive creative activity to help re balance mental, emotional and physical health, well being and happiness. Reignite and reconnect with your imagination, relax your mind and body as you discover new perspective through fabulous recycling projects and adult colouring.

This course is perfect for you if you love creative art. This course takes the creative art element only from the full Super Charge your Self Confidence in 7 Creative Weeks for those who love creative art without the additional Self Discovery element.

This is a great package if you want to continue using the Feel Fabulously Focused in 30 Days Workbook, and want more inspirational recycling based projects that open your mind to potential.

This course taps into aspects of the 5 Ways to Well-Being

Learn Something New: Boost self confidence and self belief as you discover and reconnect with your imagination through fun creative projects. You’ll be surprised what you can do when you set your creative ‘inner child’ free.

Mindfulness: With weekly Meditation Mandalas to colour, spend 10-15 minutes daily in quiet contemplation.

Giving: Open that warm, loving feeling in your heart by giving some of your creative projects to friends and family. There is nothing quite like receiving a handmade gift from someone you love.

Connect with Others: Doing creative activities in small groups inspires conversation and connection in an easy, gentle way. So why not get together with friends and share your creativity.

Physical Activity: Creative Art involves gentle physical activity that produces feel good hormones. Have fun out there.

You will receive:

  1. Seven weekly Meditation Mandala colouring images that help you refocus and reduce anxiety and stress.

  2. Twenty clear demonstration videos for the twelve recycling based creative projects within the Super Charge your Confidence in 7 Creative Weeks available over a seven week period.

  3. A downloadable research study highlighting the therapeutic and meditative benefits of colouring Mandalas and geometric shapes.

  4. A Community Discussion Area to connect and share with other course members.

  5. A comprehensive Tools and Materials Checklist and Quick Reference Guide.

’12 Meditation Mandalas ebook’ (+ 3 Bonus Mandalas) (FREE)

Cost £126 pounds  (approx:$166.00 US Dollars )


You can sign up for my FREE complimentary e-book through my website or my Facebook group page  facebook.weareamazingcreators and get your creative journey started today.

This e-book contain a total of 15 personally, hand drawn mandalas, with a little additional information about different essential oils that can be diffused to help calm and lift the emotions.


Course Bio (PLEASE NOTE – Prices are in £ British Pounds, NOT $ U.S Dollars)


Sandra Owen Course Creator

Sandra was born and lives in England, UK. She has a BA (hons) degree in Music and a Certificate of Teaching with the Associated Board of the Royal School of Music (CT ABRSM). Sandra has over 20 years teaching experience in private and local authority education as a visiting peripatetic woodwind tutor and is a Master Guide with the Master Key Experience Course created by Mark and Davene Januszewski.

Sandra joined the Master Key Experience in 2013, and was highlighted as one of the top three completer’s in that year. As a direct result of this life changing course she went on to create her own Creative Personal Development program using her own passions, skills, knowledge and experience helping others reignite and reconnect with their imagination. The full significance and importance of this original idea has become evident as she continues to follow her heart and trust in her own inner spirit.

“I had no idea in 2013 where my journey would take me, I just knew it was very important to follow my heart. The seeds have grown and developed tremendously over the last three years both as a result of my own personal research and study and being a Master Guide and mentor. I became very conscious that many people struggled with identifying and creating their own Definite Major Purpose (DMP). As young children we are innately creative, imaginative and curious; nothing feels impossible. But sadly these natural abilities are not encouraged as we grow older and many adults struggle to imagine a different life for themselves and feel stuck, frustrated and demoralized. I believe our imagination is a foundation stone of life, and by using it correctly we can create the life we want. I came to understand during the Master Key Experience that my purpose, or dharma, is to help people reignite their creative imagination, reconnect with their ‘inner child’ and change the way they look at things. It’s all about perception.”



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