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SDM 19-09 Professional Remote Viewer, Psychic, Medium, Terry Anderson

Self Discovery Mediums with Sara Troy and her guest Terry Anderson, on air from February 26th

Accurate medical intuitive body scans for anyone, present or not, professional Remote Viewer, Psychic, Medium,  Terry came to be through a near death experience. Now with the divine energy behind her, she guides others on their journey of life and helps to heal their way.





A sudden violent near death experience at the hands of 2 armed men in black, viciously beat & threatened to murder me, prompting an out-of body experience in another realm with & future life review, detailing people I would meet, future personal & world events, advanced technologies, on UFO craft, having my 3rd eye opened, and much more.

When I returned, I felt like whoever I was died, and someone else took over in a new body & life I didn’t recognize. I felt like a different person with a specific mission & new advanced abilities to sense people’s illnesses, accidents, political events, impending death, communicate with departed souls, and many other abilities.

I sought years of research & specialized training with professionals around the world to hone & apply these new abilities, which I use to help others in any area of life or business, using advanced controlled remote viewing, medical intuitive & psychic mediumship applications.

About my work:

Testimonials by others:


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