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C16/32b Education, Attitude or Determination for Success?

Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Sara Grillo airing August 9th-15th


Is education the Be all and End all? or is attitude and determination key to success?

Sara Grillo is highly educated but saw there was something big missing despite all her degrees that she needed more, tune in to hear her secrets to being successful in business today.

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As one of the top business writers in the world, my marketing services have helped both corporations and individuals all over the globe get attention, get their point across, and get more revenue on the board.

Sara Grillo Enterprises helps people get their rap down so they can get what they want, whether it be a bigger revenue stream for their business or their dream job. My marketing strategies are uniquely designed for each client to teach them how to get in front of decision makers using the Internet or the phone, and then present their rap in a way that allows them to close the deal.

I am an award-winning author of five business books, speaker, entrepreneur and most of all, educator. My mission is to serve my clients by exemplifying the highest standards of integrity and knowledge. I have founded and operated two profitable companies and have appeared in Bloomberg and US News and World Report. Appealing the Debt Sentence, written for attorneys, is a self help book to pay down debt Queen B, the women’s financial bible There is No Such Thing as Extra Money Anymore – the ambitious entrepreneur’s guide to starting a company All You Need is LinkedIn – teaches you how to monetize the world’s most powerful business website How to Pass the CFA Exam and Become a Portfolio Manager – my story of how I achieved these both and provides instructions for how you can do it, too

Ready to rap? Send me an email and we can get started. It’s



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Sara Grillo, CFA

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