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17-23 FOUR Years Young and Many More to Come

Sara Troy on Sara’s View of Life, on air from June 6th

June 2013 I started my own radio station with many thanks to Bill Maquis that was called PLV RADIO. Now 4 years on and 1800+ shows and around 840 shows I have done personal and under a different name Self Discovery Radio, I am poised for the next chapter.

So what does the next chapter involve? 

For a start, EBook 2 is in the works and will be out in October. (self-discovery’-e-book-opportunity)

New Genre’s are coming around the topics of Children, Food and Nutrition, Travel, Business and Spiritual Growth. These shows will also be available for guest hosting. (become-a-self-discovery-host)

Guest hosting is available for those who only wish to do a show periodically, you can be from any country (English only at this time) and a desire to share knowledge that serves our global society.

Sponsorship promotions are available for like purpose companies that understand the philosophy on the radio station. (Sponsorship/Donations)

So I invite you to come and join us, as a radio host full or part time or either as a Subscriber to our many shows or as a Donator or Sponsor of a genre, we welcome you all.



For mobile/tablets you can download free apps here:  CLICK HERE


More on your host Sara Troy GO HERE 


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