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15/02 LIZ EGLINGTON – Sustainable + Conscious farming in South Africa

Airing January 13 to 19 2015 on ‘Inspiring South Africans’ – Heather de Wit and her Guest LIZ EGLINGTON

LIZ EGLINGTON is the Farmer and owner of ‘Buffelshoek’ farm in the Klein Karoo, which she bought 17 years ago as a dusty and destroyed piece of earth, through over grazing and chemical fertilizing. Using Organic, Permaculture, sustainable and biodynamic farming practices, LIZ planted olive trees and established the food gardens which would feed her and her 94 year old Mother who lives and thrives on the farm with her.  She then witnessed the miracle of nature healing the ecosystems and bringing vibrant life where there was none. In 2001 the farm became the first certified organic olive and chilli farm in South Africa under the trade name “Blue Sky Organics.


LIZ now uses the lessons learned from nature to assist other farmers to farm organically and runs training courses and workshops on her farm. Her olive products are well known throughout South Africa and her newest venture is her olive leaf health range.

Serving on 4 Committees, LIZ utilises and offers her skills and passion for earth healing and education so that we can all work sacredly with the earth and produce food that sustain and heal us.

Facebook : /liz.eglington.

For More on Heather and her shows go to. /inspiring-south-africans/


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