The Writers Divine Den with Jackie VanCampen and her guest Catherine Ghosh. Originally Aired September 30th
A Journey of the Heart. What is poetry if not the written expression of the heart? Join me and my WONDERFUL, heart-centered guest, Catherine Ghosh as we take a journey into the heart, and discover what it means to truly give the heart expression and voice through the gift of writing, poetry, and sisterhood.
Catherine Ghosh is an artist, writer and mother taught to appreciate poetry at a very young age. Her first book Journey of The Heart: An Anthology of Spiritual Poetry by Women was published with Balboa Press, a division of Hay House in August 2014. As a practitioner of bhakti yoga since 1986, she is co-founder of The Secret Yoga Institute, serves as a contributing editor for Integral Yoga Magazine, and is a regular columnist for Mantra, Yoga + Health Magazine. Catherine is passionate about inspiring women to share their spiritual insights and honor their valuable voices. You may connect with her on FaceBook, or email her at A lover of nature, she lives surrounded by trees in Northern Florida, with her two sons and two cats.
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