Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Julia Scalise on air from November 15TH.

Julia Scalise, DN, PhD is a Holistic Health Practitioner and an expert in compassionately helping hundreds of clients eliminate underlying causes of health issues, discover ways to improve emotional well being, attain a more positive outlook on life and find their bliss. In practice over 18 years, she is a Board Certified Member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, American Association of Nutritional Consultants, American Holistic Health Association and a certified Physiological Regulating Medicine Practitioner.
She is also the author of the #1 Best Seller-
” Do One Thing Feel Better- Live Better”
At an early age, Julia had health issues that required multiple hospitalizations for severe infections. Those were treated repeatedly using high doses of antibiotics. The infections were resolved, but the treatments created an internal environment that led to progressive issues of chronic fatigue, immune system dysfunction, and multiple joint arthritis. The pain necessitated over 2 decades of use of NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), oral steroids, and steroid injections into Julia\’s back, neck, and multiple joints for pain relief.Click on book to buy
In 1990, Julia was introduced to ballroom dancing. Her passion for the sport went from 1 class a week to 20 hours per week of training, competing, and dancing as often as possible for she became an amateur competitor. Her pain escalated due to her level of commitment to the sport and its demanding physical nature. It got to a point that surgery was the only option for pain relief, but she would have then been forced to surrender her dancing shoes and say goodbye to the sport she was so passionate about. Julia declined surgery as an only option and looked for non-surgical ways of dealing with her chronic pain issues.
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She did a lot of reading and research to find answers for her conditions and decided to try a holistic approach to improve her health. She changed her diet and took nutritional supplements to alleviate the pain and fatigue, and to boost her immune system. In just days, she noted considerable improvement which encouraged her to continue. Shorty thereafter her condition improved so much that she was totally pain-free. This experience prompted Julia to consider a career in the field of Holistic Health. She investigated dozens of different Holistic Health programs and chose Naturology because it incorporated not only physical well being but emotional, mental and spiritual vitality a well.
My services are to work with clients, one on one, to discover underlying causes and contributors to lack of health and overall well-being from all aspects- physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Facebook: Julia Scalise DN PHD
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