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C 17-51 The Ball of Human Kindness with Gabriella van Rij

Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest  Gabriella van Rij, on air from December 19th on. 


The ball of Human Kindness® movement began during November 2013 in Tulare, CA and has since made its way across the nation, making news wherever it goes. “The ball represents a child or adult someone that does not know how to fit in or someone that feels it cannot belong; to a group, family or even your spouse or partner,” says Gabriella van Rij [pronounced “Ray”], widely acclaimed kindness expert. “As a society, we have dropped the ball of Human Kindness®. Will you help me pick it up?”

A tireless speaker and consultant to students and school faculty, Gabriella has travelled across North America, speaking at school assemblies, corporations, and community halls, providing a practical approach for ending bullying and creating safer communities through her 4-step kindness program. “One moment, one person, one kindness—is all it takes to help someone go from a negative space to a positive place, BE the difference!




GABRIELLA VAN RIJ [pronounced “Ray”] began her life as an orphan in Pakistan and without the determination and kindness of two strangers, she would not have been adopted into her new family. Today, Gabriella relentlessly champions the Kindness movement and tackles the social issues that plague our society. With a brave and compassionate voice, she speaks at businesses, universities, corporate training events, school assemblies, community centres, places of worship, and on network shows. Her uplifting talks to motivate, challenge, and provide the groundwork for lasting progress. She is an acclaimed author of three books. With All My Might is her mesmerizing memoir of one of the first cross-cultural adoptions. I Can Find My Might is part self-help, a part practical resource for students, parents, and educators. Gabriella’s personal experience creates a boots-on-the-ground approach to bullying and self-acceptance that is nothing short of magical. Watch Your Delivery is Gabriella’s third and latest book, based on one of her popular presentations of the same name. Gabriella’s #DareToBeKind campaign brings her bullying prevention program to schools, communities, and corporations across the US. Gabriella has been seen by millions on Dr. Phil, ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX. She also writes for the Huffington Post and the NY Daily News. In 2017, Gabriella van Rij was elected as Secretary General of the World Kindness Movement.

 Facebook @kindnessexpert

Twitter @gabriellavanrij.

More on your host Sara Troy’s shows, 



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