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Airing October 28th-Nov 4th on Living Unapologetically with Tiffany Phillips with her guest Kevin Porter

“Regrets are bricks that we collect throughout our lives. If we don’t let go of regret, each brick builds a wall and before you know it, you are blocked off from happiness. Let regret go.” -Kevin Porter


Kevin portrays Batman in Fan Films

An accomplished actor of both stage and screen, Kevin Porter undoubtedly lives his life with no regrets. Relocating from New Orleans to Los Angeles in 2000 to pursue his dream, his passions have led him on several world tours and countless domestic engagements. He has also amassed a solid fan base by portraying Batman in several high end fan films and continues to step outside of his comfort zone and grow as an actor.

Kevin joins “Living Unapologetically” host Tiffany Phillips in a candid conversation about living your life with no regrets and owning every part of yourself.


Instagram : @thekevinporter

More on Tiffany and her shows go to living-unapologetically/


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