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14/24 Selling is not a dirty word

Originally Aired June 16th-on Rocking Your Role with Jenny Garrett and her guest Dorothy Dolton

There is so much to say about Dorothy, she is a Global Talent Management Specialist, Certified Coach & Consultant and Founder of 3 Plus International. Based in Brussels, Dorothy’s works with women from the beginning to the end of their careers and has so much experience and knowledge to share.

Don’t miss this interview where Dorothy shares:

  1. How she managed 3 International moves

  2. Why influencing someone to buy is key to your business success

  3. How she juggled work and family



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You can find out more about Dorothy and her work at

Read a blog from Dorothy – At

Watch a video of her interview at

For more on Host Jenny Garrett and her past shows go to rocking-your-role/


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