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14/1 Freeing the mind

Airing January 6th then 8th and 10 on Free your mind with Tina Nies. (Formally known as Weight of your mind)

Monday:6th Meditations continue as we learn simple meditations that can help us free our mind and allow more peace into our life.

Wednesday:8th Free Your Mind with Well-Being Wednesday. Are your New Year Resolutions related to improving your well-being? What are some ways we can choose to allow more well-being in our lives. How can we learn to own our choices? Make it stick this year.

Friday:10th Free Your Mind Friday continues our conversation about New Year goals, resolutions and intentions. How can you use the 40 Day LoveFest practice to keep you on track with this year’s goals?  My holiday gift to help you stay on track this year, download a FREE copy of my bestselling book, 40 Day LoveFest for You at


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