Aired May 12th-on Free Your Mind with Tina Nies and her guest
Rhonda Davis who is a business coach, author, and speaker. Rhonda was born in St. Louis and grew up in what used to be a prominent black community, Kinloch, Missouri. She has always had a desire to do more, to be more. Although motherhood came early, she stayed on the right path with encourage from her mother and brother. She has looked forward to helping with the opportunity of entrepreneurship to St. Louisians and others beyond who are willing to work for it. “It will not come to you. You have to seek out what you want and find the resources you need-we are here to help.” She is the Proprietor of Empowering Entrepreneurs Across America Network. A networking group comprised of entrepreneurs that meet on a monthly basis to share information about how to make their business grow.
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