Wise Heath Presents…
Airing Mar 7-20, 2017
Join Suma Nathan and her special guest Dr Janet Hull, alternative health and nutrition practitioner and hair analysis expert for an hour long informative, inspirational and insightful discussion on how your hair can reveal your overall health wellness that will enable you to begin living a healthier, happier and more active life today.
As we say here on the Wise Health show…
“A daily dose of prevention is the key to living a healthier, happier and more active life!“
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About Dr Janet Hull

Janet Starr Hull has a very diverse background with academic degrees and experience in geology, international geography, environmental science, fitness training and nutrition. She is an OSHA Certified Environmental Hazardous Waste Emergency Response Specialist and Toxicologist, a former firefighter and college professor.
In 1991, Dr. Hull had an unexpected change in career after she was diagnosed with “incurable” Grave’s Disease. Through diligent research and her thorough understanding of toxicity, she later discovered her “Grave’s Disease” was actually aspartame poisoning. She has since worked to inform consumers about the health dangers of artificial sweeteners.
Dr. Hull’s experiences have provided pieces to a life-long puzzle – the damaging effects of artificial sweeteners. She combined her various skills to form a unique application to natural medicine. Her work is based upon the interrelationships of all sciences as she personally discovered “what works in nature, can surely work in man.”
For more information about Dr Janet Hull CLICK HERE
About “Hair Analysis Testing”
The hair analysis is an easy way to discover if toxins are inside of your body. The test also shows the essential nutrients needed for optimal health. The hair analysis is an excellent way to learn more about your personal health from the inside-out.
Top Hair Analysis Benefits
Discover if harmful substances are in your body and learn how to remove them;
Gain clarity to many unresolved health symptoms by identifying their hidden sources;
Discover which vitamins and essential nutrients may be out of balance;
Design a healthy regimen for your personal lifestyle, including all ages and activity levels;
Track your health progress in a simple way – all online in the convenience of your home, no matter where you live!
How to Get My Hair Analysis Online
My program is super easy:
Send me your health information (online or through regular mail)
Mail a sample of your hair (regular mail or courier)
Watch this video on how to cut your hair sample
Receive my detailed report online in 10 to 14 days (lab report AND my detailed nutrition interpretation with recommendations)
For on-line ordering info CLICK HERE
About the Show…
Every show is packed full of valuable insights that will help you learn how to listen to your what your body, mind and soul is telling you it needs, so that you can begin to live a healthier, happier and more active life today.
For more info on the Wise Health talk show CLICK HERE
About the Host…
Learn more about Suma `The Snake Oil Woman`Nathan CLICK HERE
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