Wise Heath Presents…
Airing APR 4-17, 2017
Join Suma Nathan and her special guest Blake Bauer author of “You were not born to suffer” for an hour long informative, inspirational and insightful discussion on the healing powers of SELF love and more insights into the human condition that will enable you to begin living a healthier happier and more active life today.
As we say here on the Wise Health show…
“A daily dose of prevention is the key to living a healthier, happier and more active life!“
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About Blake Bauer…

Blake D. Bauer is the author of the international bestselling book You Were Not Born To Suffer.
He has helped thousands of people around the world who could not find lasting solutions from conventional medicine, psychiatry, or religion. His pioneering work centers on learning how to love yourself practically and unconditionally as the key to healing yourself, fulfilling your life’s purpose, unlocking your capacity to love others, and realizing your full potential personally and professionally.
Blake’s formal education includes traditional Chinese medicine, five-element Chinese medicine, nutritional medicine, herbal healing, psychology, past life regression therapy-hypnosis, and various other forms of alternative medicine. After years of training with spiritual teachers, healers, and masters from all over the world, Blake also teaches various forms of mindfulness, meditation, qi gong, qi gong energy medicine, and dao yin (a health and longevity yoga). Today he is considered by many to be a modern meditation and qi gong master.
Based on both his personal experience overcoming deep suffering, addiction, and adversity, as well as his professional success with thousands of people worldwide, he shares what he’s found to be the most effective approaches to mental, emotional, and physical health.
Originally from Chicago, Illinois in the USA, Blake now shares his time between the US, the UK and Australia.
For more information about … CLICK HERE
About “You were not born to suffer”

In this life-changing book Blake D. Bauer explains why depression, addiction, physical illness, unfulfilling work, and relationship problems are caused by years of hiding your true emotions, denying your life purpose, and living in fear.
Having already helped thousands of people around the world find lasting solutions that conventional medicine, psychiatry or religion couldn’t offer, this book will show you how to free yourself from the destructive thoughts, habits and situations that are stopping you from being happy and well.
In simple practical steps you’ll learn how to slow down and create a healthier relationship to yourself that is based on acceptance, kindness, honesty and self-worth. You’ll also find out how to transform the stress, anxiety and insecurity that result from constantly trying to please others into lasting confidence, self-respect and inner peace.
Whether it’s negative thinking, financial worry, loneliness, guilt or self-doubt that’s holding you back, Blake Bauer’s words will move you to take better care of yourself, heal old pain, and courageously move forward. If you’re ready to enjoy your life, feel passionate about your work, and create fulfilling relationships, this book will support you to live authentically, love wholeheartedly and finally value yourself enough to say your daily health and happiness are important.
For on-line ordering info CLICK HERE
About the Show…
Every show is packed full of valuable insights that will help you learn how to listen to your what your body, mind and soul is telling you it needs, so that you can begin to live a healthier, happier and more active life today.
For more info on the Wise Health talk show CLICK HERE
About the Host…
Learn more about Suma `The Snake Oil Woman`Nathan CLICK HERE
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