Their Story Matters with Sara Troy and her guest Bill Maquis, on air from February 6th
People get the wrong idea of what surrendering means, it is not about giving up, it is more about surrendering to the NOW and what is, it is patience. As we age we find that we have to surrender a lot more to our presence like our health, our limitations, our situations. This does not mean we are powerless, but rather we have power in other ways. Our power is not always in the body or just in the mind, it is within our very souls, hearts, spirits and knowingness, and when we choose to empower what we can do with what aids us, then we discover the ability to be more and do more in our ageing lives.
We are constantly given paths in life that we happily walk down, only to learn it is just leading to another path. We can not force things we cannot dictate, we have to surrender to the moment and follow the wind, for that will guide us to where we need to be in our NOW.
Just because we are older that does not mean we can not adapt to technologies that can make our lives better. With our technological advances abundantly around us, we can overcome certain obstacles and still lead a productive quality life.
Listen to or download this insightful, informative and inspiration show now…
About Bill Macquis
Bill Macquis: founder of the science called “mindology”, discoverer of the “Q-factors” , inventor of “Quantum Values Chromotography” and conceptualist of the “my nuances” family of web and mobile apps.
Field of expertise: Behavioral Science and Technology
Specialization: mindology – master tool designer
“Quinesence: the journey taken in discovering, embracing and actualizing SELF. The SOUL Enabled LIFE Force that guides one in how to live LIFE with greater purpose, meaning and integrity through serving the betterment of humanity. The SOUL is the Source Of Universal LOVE that when freely shared, creates Limitless Opportunities Virtually Everywhere for us to unite in working together to peacefully transform the world around us into one where everyone can live LIFE with Liberty, Independence, Freedom and Equality.”
This is one of many profound statements you will encounter Bill Macquis make during conversations with him. Profound in that Bill does not consider himself to be a religious or spiritual person. His belief is that god is deeply embedded into the very genetic code we are made from which he calls the SELF. The “Soul Enabled Life Force” that guides one in how to live LIFE with greater purpose, meaning and integrity through serving the betterment of humanity.
To learn more about Bill and the humanitarian initiative and projects work that his company The Living Orchard Corporation has undertaken please visit:
About “quinesence”

“Quinesence” is a finely crafted collage of art, music and words that shares the journey of Bill Macquis’ life and the lessons he learned along his journey to discovering, embracing and actualizing SELF.
“Quinesence” is also the story of a boy who was born with a special gift of learning how to live with and overcome challenges that would leave many of us believing that only a miracle could conquer. The lessons he learned from these experiences became the core values and principles that form the embodiment of SELF that enable him to live life with greater purpose, meaning and dignity.
This book is best enjoyed with a bottle of fine wine along with a plate of imported cheese and crackers in a candlelit room with a comfy sofa or chair to curl up in. Next, plug your headphones into your computer, turn up the volume, open the book and begin playing the music playlist on the Tribute page. The just sit back, relax and let your mind discover the true purpose and meaning of images and words on the page, as the music tells Bill’s story. When the song changes, advance to the next page in the book. The incredible hour-long journey you are about to be taken will ignite your creative free thinking and original thought processes that in turn manifest into becoming the driving LIFE force that guides you along your journey in discovering, embracing and actualizing the potentiality of your “SELF”
To pre-order your copy today…
If you or someone you know would like to do an interview with Bill for an upcoming article or radio show you can download his Media Kit by CLICKING HERE
LIFE’s Miracle Community…
“By uniting and working together we can and will peacefully transform the world around us into one where everyone can live LIFE with Liberty, Independence, Freedom and Equality”
For information on the things, you can do that will enable us to succeed in accomplishing our mission, click on the banner below
“Miracle in life don’t just happen, you live LIFE to make them happen”
About The Show Host…
Sara Troy founder, director and host
Self Discovery Radio
Sara discovered her special gift in early childhood. That special gift was her ability to be a spiritual guild and councillor in helping people to discover their true purpose and meaning in life. In 2012 she was presented with an opportunity to host her own on-line BlogTalk radio show where she discovered yet another calling in life that she became compelled to pursue. Sharing the inspiring stories and wisdom of others so that those stories might inspire others to believe that anything in life is possible. In 2013 with the encouragement and support of a close friend ( Bill ) she decided to build her own platform from which she could spread her reach, this endeavour over time has evolved and grown into becoming Self Discovery Radio. A platform that has now amassed more than 1900 insightful, informational and inspirational shows for you to enjoy.