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PLV 17-28 Dying to Living Dreams with Kechi & Bobbie

Positive Vibrations Roundtable with Sara Troy and Kechi Okwuchi  and Bobby Henline, on air from July 11th


Both Kechi and Bobbie know what it is to come back from a near-death experience. Kechi’s plane went down killing 107 leaving only 2 survivors, Kechi being one, and with 65% of burns all over her body, music and the gift of life kept her going. Kechi is now a contestant on Americas Got Talent.





Bobby spent 13 years in the Army, completing four tours in Iraq. While on his fourth tour in Iraq, three weeks after his arrival, an IED blast blew up his Humvee – April 7, 2007 is a day he will never forget. The four soldiers with him were killed, as he stumbled out of the wreck, a human torch. Extinguished by the soldier he had replaced in the Humvee, burns covered almost 40% of his body, bones in his face were fractured, and his head was burned to the skull. Put into a medically induced coma for two weeks, Henline was flown back to the states. Bobby is now a Bravo 748 Vet supporter and comedian.

Bobby song on Not a Day Goes by, CLICK ON PICTURE


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