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In Memory of Polly Higgins


Polly Higgins was a woman who dedicated her life to saving this planet, due to a nasty cold which led into a breakdown on her lungs, she left us April 21st 2019.

Let us keep her memory going by keeping her work going saving this wonderful planet. Ecocide is a global law that will make any harm done to life and planet a crime, let us join and become an Earth protector and makes sure it happens.

My first show with Polly

Ecocide Law sits at the heart of an emerging body of law called Earth Law. Earth law puts people and planet first and ensures the well-being of the whole Earth community. Earth Law recognizes that the Earth has natural limits and boundaries, and it is for us to ensure the welfare of the entire Earth Community by putting in place laws that protect future generations.

My second show with Polly

Ecocide Law sits at the heart of an emerging body of law called Earth Law. Earth law puts people and planet first and ensures the well-being of the whole Earth community. Earth Law recognizes that the Earth has natural limits and boundaries, and it is for us to ensure the welfare of the entire Earth Community by putting in place laws that protect future generations.

One-day Ecocide will be a crime. All of humanity depends on healthy ecosystems, so humanity has a choice: to either consciously prevent the extensive destruction of ecosystems or wait for the consequences to impact us directly. Either way, the status quo where Ecocide remains profitable and legal cannot continue forever, so a law preventing it is inevitable and will be with us soon.



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