Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guests Mark Baird aired July 28th
Whether we like it of not the weather is changing and believe it or not it is just following its cycle. We can not change that cycle but we can prepare for it, if we have an understanding of what is coming we can preserve our water, cull our forest, listen to our farmers and grow our own food. Our future lays with in our hands, not the governments.
Look to our trees and historical weather patterns and you will know what is to come. We discuss controlled fires to stop out of control fires, our water shortage and supporting local farmers and communities also growing our own food and of cause separating from California.
Mark Barid is a retired 747-400 Captain and pilot Instructor for World Airways. World Airways operated aircraft on every continent, in addition to supporting military operations to several conflict zones. He is a rancher, and currently Vice President and past President of a Water Rights Group in Northern California called ‘Scott Valley Protect Our Water”, He says “We are a water rights group who have successfully fought off intrusions into our property rights and water rights, by the agencies of California and the Federal Government. Our motto is, “we will not submit”.
Spokesperson for the State of Jefferson Movement. We have 8 counties who have signed declarations to withdraw from California due to lack of representation. We have active committees in 20 counties. Our goal is to separate from California using Article 4, Section 3 of the United States Constitution. Our hope is to form a state with true Constitutional Republic where we have a part time legislature. A state where local decisions are made local wisdom and full representation of the people involved.
Mark says “It’s going to be a tough one, but I don’t know, I have a good feeling about it,” said Mr. Baird. “I think that liberty will always find the light of day, and even if it’s only 51 percent, it’s still a win for us. And we have to do something here, or we’re all going to be broke and we’re all going to be gone.”
Reserve Deputy Sheriff for Siskiyou County and rancher, my wife and I operate Wild Rose Ranch near Mugginsville California. We raise horses and North American Bison. Small business owner. My wife and I own and operate Buffalo Broadcasting, consisting of two FM, community based radio stations. One is a Country music format, one is a classic rock music format.
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I am a Christian and a father, and a Vietnam Veteran
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