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14/49 “Go for the Strategic Byproducts—A reason to GET INVOLVED”

Airing December 9th-15th on Own Your Money with Jeffrey A. Forrest

Have you ever been asked by a close friend or an associate, to join them in putting on a BIG EVENT?  What was your reply?  Why did you say YES or say NO?  Separate and distinct from the heavy lifting or blood, sweat and tears that you may put into a BIG PROJECT, there will be unexpected benefits which you get to take away from you.


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Join me, next Tuesday, as I share with you a real life story about how I told my good friend, Chris Cucchiara, that I might “donate” an hour of my time in ONE MASTERMIND MEETING to help him out with his project, Prevention on Purpose and how it somehow took on a life of its own, with unexpected HUGE BENEFITS.

Finally, I’ll share a concept with you called ROE (Return on Expectations) which goes beyond simply ROI (Return on Investment).  We’ll see how using the ROE properly can supercharge your next BIG EVENT.


Tune in Tuesday for an exciting show that will energize, excite and encourage you to say YES to the NEXT BIG THING!!



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