Premiering July 18th
PRESENTING Devon Keith who is joining us on PLV Radio Network in September.
Devon Keith has been a single mother for 12 years. She characterizes herself as a strong Diva who always has a plan! She was raised in New York by a single mother and her grandmother. Growing up, she thought that single parenting to be the norm; but now finds that it is an unaddressed epidemic. As an adult, she is surrounded by other single mothers and has found that they all struggle with the same adversities and do not often have the resources to advocate change in their family dynamics. The purpose of her writing is to evoke a change in thought pattern.

It is her goal in her blog and in her upcoming book “The Single Mother’s Guide to being a Diva” that she empower single mothers to stop the cycle of single parenting. She hopes that this will be achieved by teaching readers to understand that although they are raising their children alone; their children do not have to be single parents themselves. Her goal is teach others the lessons that she has learned so that they do not make the same mistakes that she has made.
She states: “Raising children is a difficult task, doing it alone is even more difficult! If I could change one mind-set or one life; I have done my job!”
We have the pleasure of Devon joining our PLV Radio Network in September, bringing her blog to radio speaking to the feminine empowerment of single mothers.
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