Premier airing on: 07-16-2013
Georgia Woodbines New Book – How To Attract the Right Man into Your Life: No More Settling
It’s finally here! the book every woman across the nation has been waiting for: How To Attract The Right Man into Your Life: No More Settling. In this book, Georgia Woodbine delivers a refreshing approach to attracting the right man. Her revolutionary methods cover many areas such as: Getting what you want from the man in your life, gaining a deeper understanding of men and how they think and preparing yourself for a loving and a healthy romance. She shares powerful secrets to transform your life and manifest your desires. If you’re tired of asking yourself these questions: When will I find Mr. Right? Why do I keep attracting the wrong men? Where are all the good men? Why am I still single? then this is the perfect book for you. This book offers a simple method for love, relationships and attracting the ideal mate.

Sparking an inspirational phenomenon wherever she goes, national bestselling author/speaker/life coach Georgia Woodbine shares her secrets, experiences and strategies for achieving success. She is one of the world’s leading authorities in personal and professional development. She is widely known as a dynamic and entertaining speaker and a highly sought after trainer, who has helped to motivate and inspire an entire generation. She created and developed a curriculum based of her book How to Choose Your Career Path: Charting Your Success, which she taught in many school districts. She worked with various high schools and colleges preparing students with the employment tools and life skills needed to succeed in the competitive workplace. She has authored several books including How To Make Big Bucks Without Selling Your Soul, Jewels of Inspiration and Reflections: The Journey of Life, How To Choose Your Career Path: Charting Your Success, Minute of Motivation, and has produced life changing audio programs Make it Happen, Live By Your Design and Fight For Your Life: How To Stimulate Your Own Personal Economy, as well as other cutting-edge motivational/informational products. She has been invited as a guest speaker at The Learning Annex in New York City, Time Warner, Georgian Court University, Columbia University, Stony Brook University, Rutgers University, Howard University, Medgar Evers College, as well as a long list of other network organizations.

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