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YH20-07 How to rebuild your immune system after childhood shots with Mary Tocco.

Writer's picture: Hub of Discovery Hub of Discovery

Your Health is your choice with Sara Troy and her guest Mary Tocco, on air from February 11th

Help! My Child is Sick – Healing Sick Children

The title of Mary’s upcoming book. In this 4th show, we discuss what we can do to build our immune system after childhood shots. I invite you to go and listen to the other 3 shows on vaccines, what is in them, and why we may not need them. MARY HAS DEDICATED OVER 25 YEARS TO RESEARCH AND SPEAKING TO THE DANGERS OF VACCINES, PLEASE HEAR WITH AN OPEN MIND.



Expose what is causing decline in health:

  1. Parental toxicity during pregnancy

  2. Vaccines and meds during pregnancy

  3. Diet during pregnancy

  4. Vaccines and Meds post birth

  5. 80,000 chemicals in environment

  6. Toxic homes: air fresheners, cleaners, personal products (shampoos, lotions, tooth paste, vitamins

Areas of the body to be addressed

  1. Gut

  2. Brain: toxicity, sleeping,

  3. Nervous system: chiropractic role



  1. Brain: metals (aluminum, thimerosal mercury, MSG, glyphosate) viruses, the blood brain barrier that has been opened

  2. Overall body: lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas, joints, muscles

  3. Gut: bloated belly, constipation, runny stool, burning poops, butt rashes, parasites including clostridia, candida yeast and other pathogenetic bacteria and viruses

  4. Nervous system: brain body connection has been disrupted. Spinal adjustments help to wake up and reconnect

  5. Organs/joints: inflammatory foods from allergies affecting the lungs (asthma) heart, liver, brain function, behavior (melt downs, echolalia, defiance and anger, loss of control or focus as in ADD, ADHD) depression, Tourette’s syndrome and sleeping problems.

Lab testing, a place to begin

  1. IgG food allergies: The IgG Food Antibody Assessment (*not available in NY) is a blood test that measures antibodies to 87 commonly consumed foods. The panel also includes a total IgE measurement. The body can react to foods in many different ways. Adverse food reactions can lead to distressing symptoms and chronic health conditions

  2. Candida Yeast testing: Organic Acid Test (GPL)

  3. Heavy metal testing (provocative)

  4. Genetic testing: identify genetic snips in the epigenetics

  5. Comprehensive Stool testing: will identify pathogenetic bacteria and parasites, test for natural and prescriptions that will treat specific issues

  6. Mineral testing

  7. Red Blood (Cell) nutrients

  8. Vitamin deficiencies: B12, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C,


  1. Start with removing gluten from wheat, casein from dairy, processed and artificial sugars, food coloring, processed foods, fast foods.

  2. Post testing: alter diet and remove allergens, work with a coach

  3. Supplements as needed to address deficiencies

  4. Children organic fruits and veggies, grass fed meats and free-range chicken and eggs.

  5. Even if budget will not allow for whole family, at least feed kids this way.

Nutritional supplements

  1. Getting kids to do supplements is challenging

  2. Minerals- general trace minerals- Pink salt 86 trace minerals (remove white salts from home) or high-quality sea salt

  3. Smoothies, good protein powder (Sun Warrior) berries, bananas, powdered vitamins

  4. Liquid vitamins are always good

Cleaning house:

  1. Start with one area and work into all areas. Dispose of products that are toxic and replace with natural products as you can.

  2. Water filtration for all drinking and cooking

  3. Pantry: processed foods, colors, MSG, spices, microwave, non-organic and GMO foods

  4. Cleaning products: Eliminate and try: vinegar, light solution of alcohol and water for kitchen, Mrs. Meyers (All of our cleaners are made with plant-derived ingredients, essential oils, and other thoughtfully chosen ingredients.) Thieves oil and other essential oils, lemon water

  5. Personal care items: tooth paste (NO fluoride) shampoos, lotions, hair spray and other hair products

  6. Laundry detergents

  7. Fragrances: Febreze, Lysol, Plug-ins, cologne and perfumes

NOTE: Children who are hyper-sensitive may react to essential oils, use sparingly at first.

Avoiding amalgam fillings and removing amalgam fillings: Must get a certified biological dentist to remove safely, Cavitation’s, gum disease and rotten teeth must be addressed.

Removing Unnecessary Over-the-counter medications

  1. Tylenol and 90 other meds contain Acetaminophen (study on my website under “Health Articles”, leads to liver failure…

  2. Cough syrups: natural are available and honey-lemon (cough is the body ridding itself of something)

  3. Fever reducers

  4. (Tylenol)

Find a Holistic, functional medical doctor, a chiropractor, good herbal and essential oil source, natural “biological” dentist (Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Protocols, Ozone Therapy, Laser Dentistry and a variety of natural techniques with advanced technology)

  1. Call and interview asking what services they offer. Not all will take children or do necessary lab testing. Not all will have a coach on hand to help walk through the diets etc.

  2. A good all on one soap bar for hair, body is 100 senses ultimate body bar (no soap) Everything on the list was a 1.

  3. To find a functional medical doctor by zip code: Institute of Functional Medicine

Research home products toxicity at Lookup any beauty product to see what chemicals are in them and they give a rating from 0-10 on toxicity.




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