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YH 20-05 Childhood shots and the Babies Immune system with Mary Tocco

Your Health is Your Choice with Sara Troy and her guest Mary Tocco, on air from January 28th

You do not want this in your baby….yet that is is what they are giving them.

Mary says,

A question I frequently pose at lectures and in conversations is, “Are we born flawed”? “Did God forget to equip the human body with a fully functioning immune system capable of fighting and overcoming illness”? “Is man fully capable of determining what is needed for human survival”? Every year, things that were considered true in the medical and scientific community prove to be false. Our understanding of the human body is minimal. Humans and animals have lived on Earth for thousands of years, so what role has medical intervention really played? Although, I don’t have all the answers, I believe asking these hard questions is important.

I believe God created the human body complete with an immune system designed to protect us throughout life. My beliefs are based on what I call a ‘Vitalistic’ philosophy. This belief is founded on the understanding that the human body has a built-in intelligence called innate wisdom which can perform miraculous tasks such as taking two cells (sperm and egg) and create a human being. Even atheists and agnostics can see the visible results of this powerful life-force that gives life order and energy. It is this same intelligence that knows when a wound needs healing, tells the heart to beat, and allows life to thrive in perfect balance with millions of intricacies. In the same manner that an infant is designed with two eyes, a nose, and five fingers and toes, the infant is also designed with an immune system that is intended to serve and sustain that child for a lifetime.



There is no short cut to natural immune development—a process that begins only five weeks after conception. The natural immune development process involves three major steps:

  1. Exposure to germs and illnesses

  2. The subsequent symptoms (body signals)

  3. Natural recovery

This is the beginning of understanding, listen and if you want the whole story and get my new book on Amazon (paperback and Kindle) or order from me and get a free booklet: Vaccines, What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You.

These make wonderful baby shower gifts and necessary information for all parents.

Baby Immune System Development

The Training Process – Aerobics for Natural Immunity!

The process of developing natural immunity is often misunderstood and misrepresented. Somehow, we got this idea that humans are to live completely free of infections, sailing through life, no pain, no suffering, ignoring body symptoms and popping pills to alleviate them. How do the animals in the wild survive without pills, potions and hospitals? I believe that we misunderstand symptoms in the body that are uncomfortable and label them as “bad” when perhaps they are just the way “Mother Nature” makes us strong and adaptable. The immune system develops by multiple exposures through the mouth, nose and lungs as we breathe and eat. This is the natural portal-of- entry into the body and occasionally as children grow they may get a cut, wound or insect bite in the skin. The immune system in an infant is underdeveloped and must be developed over time to be efficient at taking care of the business of health. Infants get exposed to all bacteria, fungus’s, spores, viruses, infectious illnesses by their mouth, nose and ears and lungs. Millions of times daily a newborn is responding to foreign things from its environment. MORE HERE

3 Basic Lines of Defense

There are 3 basic lines of defense: (1.) skin, mucosal membrane, tears, urine (2) fevers & Inflammation and (3) acquired or adaptive immunity.


With each year that passes we learn more about the benefits of breastfeeding and immune system development, the role breastfeeding plays in developing immunity and how bottle feeding cannot measure up! Why does man keep trying to improve on what nature has designed? Natural immunity starts in the womb but is either encouraged or discouraged when the baby is born by how the baby is fed! Nature always knows what is best for the infant even if we do not understand all the details! MORE HERE


Supporting Strong Immunity through Nourishment

The role of a healthy diet in preventing illnesses is often overlooked, especially by the allopathic medical society. Medical doctors do not study nutrition in med school and believe in chemical therapies, not in food for healing. Rarely do you see the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommending natural, organic foods or herbs to fight infections! The human body is constantly making new cells in every organ and tissue of the body and must get the proper support nutrition to do this effectively. Healthy cells will produce new healthy cells; weekend cells will produce even weaker cells. Nutrition is what fuels this process and the immune system’s strength and ability to fight infection depends on high-octane, wholesome nutrition. The use of herbs and other Mother Nature-made products can boost immunity when needed and are more in harmony with the human body. MORE HERE

Part #4 Help my Child is sick, building an immune after vaccines


Del Bigtree /


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