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WOH 18-02 Your Own B.A.D.A.S.S Self with Denise and Shari.

Whispers of the Heart with Denise Povernick  and her guest Shari Alyse, on air from January 9th, 2018

Shari Alyse is the Co-Founder of The Wellness Universe, an online community and platform of wellness providers and the CIO (Chief Inspirational Officer) of Soul Ventures, Inc., a company focused on being a catalyst for positive change on the planet.

In addition to building and running, The Wellness Universe with Founder, Anna Pereira, Shari is also passionate about sharing her messages of self-empowerment, self-acceptance, and joy as an International Public Speaker (“Joy Magnet”), Empowerment Coach, Author, and Vlogger.

Motivated by her own journey through healing from childhood trauma, Shari devotes her time creating daily inspirational videos which she share across her ‘Sharing with Shari’ brand on  youtube, FB page, website and other social media channels. It is Shari’s mission to help be the spark to reignite the light within everyone and bring joy back to people’s lives.

Shari believes that we all have unique gifts to offer the world and once we learn to embrace, celebrate, and share these gifts, we truly can light up the world.

“Besides speaking, I am equally passionate about travel. My idea of the perfect life is spent on planes, trains, and automobiles seeing the world. I have pep talks with myself daily. It is rare that you will find me without a smile and it is rare that I’m not trying to make you smile. I would say I have a pretty simple but extraordinary life!”




Shari lives in Los Angeles with her life partner, John and their cats, Hershey and Piper.

Shari is currently has a few spots open for new clients for her Life Inspiration Coaching Sessions and available for public speaking events.



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