The Wellness Journey with Lynnis Woods-Mullins and her guest Christina Sharp, on air from January 23rd

Many people have the expectation that once we reach mid-life that we should already have it all together. We should be financially sound, have the “wisdom” thing down pat, and be spiritually evolved. The reality is that is not always the case. We are always a work in progress and NONE of us have it ALL. Recognizing this truth is always a form of freedom and acting on the truth is always the first step to real growth. In this interview Christina Sharp, spiritual Life and Mindset coach, shares 3 essential keys we need to unlock the answers to creating a life with purpose, serenity, and joy.
JOIN LYNNIS AND CHRISTINA ON How To Create A Life of Purpose
Christina Sharp is a Spiritual Life and Mindset coach with particular interest and experience in the spheres of Midlife Transition and Faith and Spirituality. She supports her clients and her online community to create lives that are aligned at all levels and in all areas with their deep values and who they really are in their souls’ essence. She can see where you are stuck in lies or limiting beliefs and will walk alongside you as you cultivate your own Deep Self-Trust and Faith in the Divine, to create a life of purpose, serenity and joy. Christina experienced a deep transition in her own life when she freed herself from an emotionally painful marriage, only to face disapproval and abandonment from her faith community. She had a choice – to return to her marriage and silence her aching soul or to find the courage to walk her own path, wherever it might lead. She now knows that path leads to the blessings only a truly authentic, self-aligned life can bring.