WISE HEALTH PRESENTED Aired Feb 2 – Feb 8, 2016
Before you sit down to relax and listen to this show, please go make yourself a fresh cup of tea. As you sit back enjoying your tea we will share with you all the incredible healthy benefits different types of teas offer. Teas that can help prevent cancers to ones that can help increase your concentration and mental focus. This is part 1 of a 2 part series in which Suma and Bill will also be sharing some other very useful health and lifestyle tips that will help you to deal with your health issues. The show will also provide you with many very interesting insights on learning how to listen to your what your body is telling you it needs; so you can begin living a healthier, happier and more productive life today.
As we say here on Wise Health…
“An ounce of prevention will benefit your overall heath and happiness more than any million dollar medical treatment will ever be able to do for you!”
For mobile/tablets you can download free apps here: soundcloud.com/mobile
About the Hosts…
To read Suma `The Snake Oil Woman` Nathan’s bio Click Here
To read Bill `Smok`n DAWG` Mackie’s bio Click Here
What’s on your mind?
If you have any questions, have a health topic you would like us to discuss on the show, or have an inspirational story you would like to share with our listeners. Let us know by competing and submitting the form below and we do our best to make it happen…
How can we help you?(required)
“Music soothes the soul”
Music is one the the most therapeutic and healing natural medicines man has ever created. When you view and listen to this video think of their lyrics as speaking to the relationship you have have with S-E-L-F. The Soul Enabled Life Force that is there guiding you on how to live life to become healthier and happier every day! This videos might provide the inspiration you need to star believing that you too have the natural ability to overcome any health obstacles life throws at you…..