I have done many shows on Vegan and whole plant foods and animal rights. Check out some of the shows and be enlightened and hear all the fun of eating well, healing our bodies and living consciously.
Daniella Bussone
Choose Positive Living show with Sara Troy a-time-for-change-vegan-delights
Choose Positive Living show with Sara Troy yummy-festive-vegan-delights with Kate Strong
Wise Health show with Suma Nathan & Bill Mackie the-vegan-holiday-feast-pt1
Wise Health show with Suma Nathan & Bill Mackie the-vegan-holiday-feast-pt2
Her Article yummy-vegan-recopies-for-the-festive-season
Her Article want-to-spice-up-your-life-by-danielle-bussone
Kate Strong
Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy –being-strong-with-veganism
Choose Positive Living show with Sara Troy yummy-festive-vegan-delights with Kate Strong
Gene Baur
Their Story Matters with Sara Troy saving-life-on-the-farm-sanctuary
Christina Hill
ECO Solutions eco-17-19-vegan-eco-spirituality
Plant food recopies with Toni Okamoto
The Vegan Kid, fighting for the rights of all life.
The Beauty of Veganism, a book on animal love.
From the Owner-Operator-Host of Self Discovery Media Sara Troy
