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TSM16-50 Finding Our Empowerment with John

THEIR STORY MATTERS  with Sara Troy and her guest John Masiulionis on air from December 13th


Through his own spiritual awakening and through the inspiration of Dr. Wayne Dyer, John Masiulionis knew that it was time to take his life and his work in a different direction. While his experience as the host of Monday Night Mayhem, one of the first-ever podcasts and one of the longest-running wrestling radio shows in the world for over a decade, would always be treasured, John knew that his soul was calling him to commit to a path of higher service.

In 2013, John co-founded Soul Luminous Radio, a program that touched thousands of lives with inspirational interviews and spiritual commentary. As the co-host of Soul Luminous Radio, John used his authentic networking approach to connecting with, interview, and promote best-selling authors, including Anita Moorjani, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and James Van Praagh.

In the spring of 2014, John knew that he had his own message of love to get out to the world, but felt that he did not have the “sexy chapter” of his life yet. After fully surrendering his life last summer to God, to Spirit, and to his beloved grandmother and guardian angel Jane Sajecki (who was lighting the way for his journey since her transition three years ago), after a perceived diagnosis of testicular cancer, John reaffirmed his perfect health several months later, and began to take true ownership of his life.



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John returned to the place where his life changed forever in the spring of 2014. Even though the calendar may have reflected “two years later,” with the setting being the same (the Roy Thompson Hall in Toronto, Ontario, Canada), the Hay House I Can Do It event was the backdrop where divine timing was revealed, where John’s heart and soul opened up to his intuitive gifts and skills that he had for his entire life, but which he suppressed until that point.

As a recovering “people-pleaser,” John had several addictions that he had to come face-to-face with: an addiction to attention, overthinking, validation, stress and drama, women, and to the past. After he had returned from Toronto, John had to face his deepest perceived fears head-on. He also needed to learn how to put himself first, to fill his cup of love before anyone else’s. And he had to begin to fulfil his soul’s purpose, which was to allow himself to fully express his emotions, feel his feelings, and be entirely vulnerable and transparent to all. The Universe gave him the opportunity to do that later that summer, to release everything that no longer served his highest and greatest good. He was spiritually stripped naked for a second time.

On the eve of his 35th birthday, in the midst of his surrender, “Babcia” (John’s grandmother) spoke to him in prayer and meditation, providing him instructions to begin to offer spiritual guidance and healing services to those in need and to begin a spirituality, self-love, and healing Meetup group in the Buffalo area, entitled Walking Each Other Home, a quote that touched John’s soul when he first came across the works of Ram Dass. John answered the call, followed his divine guidance, and a healing practice of the same name was created.

John is grateful to serve humanity as a spiritual guide and intuitive healer, using his intuition, life experience, and energy to offer guidance and healing energies to those in need, to hold the sacred space as a vessel of facilitating the healing process, to provide inspiration and motivation for those wishing to move forward in their life’s purpose, to help those who are facing the illusion of challenges, difficulties, and obstacles, and to pass along the knowledge that he has been humbled to learn on his own path of healing, the root of which is self-love and forgiveness, of oneself and others. It is his goal to have you feel, in every cell of your being, the stroke of divine perfection and unconditional love that you are.

Through your private session, you will receive an exchange of love, that will cover the aspects of your life where you feel you need the most direction, which will provide your heart and soul with clarity, peace, and empowering positive energy.

John resides in the Buffalo, NY area. He has begun to write his memoir, My Empowering Miracle, which will also be released in divine timing. His hobbies include spending time with nature, writing, meditating, reading, grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s, and dancing on his yoga mat.




 Twitter @EmpoweredByJohn

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