Their Story Matters with Sara Troy and her guest Alison Goldwyn aired March 8th-14th

The Global Identity Crisis….coming together to save the Earth
Synchronistory is an epic future television event currently in development. Its genesis spans nearly thirty years and began in 1987. On the floor of a NYC living room with a map of the world, a perennial question was posed in earnest: who in heaven are we and why on earth are we here? Eleven years later on the floor of the United Nations that question would resound in the form of HANDS AROUND THE WORLD: HUMANITY CELEBRATES THE MILLENNIUM during a world television forum addressing the future of this upcoming defining moment in history.

All the rhetoric and wisdom of the ages would no longer suffice for such a turning point in time. It merited a revolutionary-evolutionary next step. From conceptuality to actuality. Nothing short of a hands-on event with an unheard of theme (a multicultural celebration of humanity, broadcast live worldwide) could captivate a global audience’s attention and perhaps instils wonder.
Synchronistory is the brainchild of Alison Goldwyn, a native New Yorker with a background in music, psychology, and the performing arts.

Alison Goldwyn has never authored a best-selling book … she has never given a TED talk nor written anything for the Huffington Post … she has never met the Pope, shaken hands with the Queen nor received a letter of praise from the Dalai Lama … she is neither a Harvard graduate nor the recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship … and she has never been appointed to the Board of anything.
She is, however, a Human Being who has spent the last decades exploring this undervalued experience that we so take for granted. She was awarded a chocolate Nobel Prize in Norway for doing so.
Alison has worked as an entrepreneur in marketing, fashion, and has written and produced for small Inde films as well as Turkish television. Her passion is exploring the byways of human nature with an inquisitive cultural eye – be it the inner realms of the psyche or the outer reaches of the universe. Her soulful connection to music enriches her journey and it is this ensemble that became the seeds for an unprecedented venture initiated nearly 30 years ago in her native New York City.
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Hands Around the World was to be a televised millennium event. It was first conceived in 1987 based on a simple but profound question: “who on earth are we and what would it be like if we all literally connected for a global moment in time?” Thus a music-driven celebration of Humanity was born and nurtured over a generation of global changes that has now challenged not just our world but the very notion of doing such an event.
Nearly 20 years ago, Alison relocated to Europe on Inner Prompting which turned out to be a soul-validating experience of inestimable value.
Today, minus a millennium and its exuberant pre-911 buzz, Hands has evolved into a more mature and sober incarnation that speaks to the global zeitgeist with originality and care. Synchronistory is a global “televisionary” event of the future. Alison is its founder and creative director.
The goal of Sync is to take a conscious and collective pause-that-awes, by creating a dynamic television context that virtually wows us from our rut and sparks the imagination through enlightened “edutainment”.
The hope is to stir Humanity into re-imagining their individual and collective Self, inspiring individuals worldwide to live more creatively, consciously, conscientiously, and authentically.
I am Just a simple gal with a simple goal …