Their Story Matters with Sara Troy and her guest Cathy Wild, on air from MAY 16TH

“Cathy Wild’s book, Wild Ideas: Creativity from the Inside Out, goes beyond a few simple suggestions to stimulate creativity. She delves beneath the surface, telling stories from those on the creative path. As she points out, this path is not a straight line from A to Z. It has zigs and zags; it has reversals and successes. You’ll be inspired to stay the course through the chaos of creation as you tap into Cathy Wild’s deep wisdom, fully expressing what has meaning and value to you.”—Justine Willis Toms Co-founder, Creative Producer, Host New Dimensions Radio series; Author of Small Pleasures: Finding Grace in a Chaotic World
For a free excerpt of the book read here “Risk” Wild Ideas – RISK excerpt
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WILD IDEAS: Creativity from the Inside Out invites you on an intimate journey through the seven stages of the creative process. All along the way, counsellor, artist, and writer Cathy Wild interweaves her own deeply personal story with provocative insights gleaned from her many years as a counsellor in private practice in Northern California’s premier Wine Country.
Discover your authentic voice while exploring timeless themes that compel creative expression—curiosity and imagination, mystery and mourning, chaos and clarity, suffering and gratitude, and many more. You’ll feel understood and supported as you unlock the mysteries of your own creative power:
• Access Your Wisdom • Feel More Alive and Engaged • Trust Your Life • Let Go of Results • Create from the Inside Out
Meet counsellor, creator & catalyst Cathy Wild:
Cathy Wild has spent more than 30 years developing innovative approaches to the creative process both for private clients in the greater San Francisco region as well as corporate clients including Wells Fargo, Pacific Bell, and Pacific Gas & Electric. She has also been a pioneer in somatic (holistic) counselling, the expressive arts, and the field of life coaching.
In her own life, Cathy has overcome a number of devastating ordeals, inspiring her breakthrough approach to creativity and her founding of Body-Centered Healing — a dynamic, experiential process which supports clients on a profound personal journey of transformation. Her private practice is located in Sonoma County, 50 miles north of San Francisco. Cathy was featured as a creativity expert on the PBS television series, In the Prime and Wild Ideas is her first book.
TEL: 707 540-5948
More stories on their-story-matters
Cathy’s Wild roundtable with Maureen Edwardson
