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C16/36a Our Youth: Young Entrepreneurs in Training - Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest LANCE DINAHAN airs September 6th-12th Young Entrepreneurs Training is an international online training program created to help people ages 8 and up. The program helps parents and adults who either want a simple way to understand how to start their own business and or help the young … Continue reading C16/36a Our Youth: Young Entrepreneurs in Training
TSM 16/34 Invest in our Youth our Future Leaders - Their Story Matters with Sara Troy and her guest Julie Connor airs from August 30th As a keynote speaker, passionate youth and youth leadership advocate, a seasoned educator, and author of an award-winning goal-setting book, Dreams to Action Trailblazer’s Guide, I prepare youth to be leaders and adults to be mentors and role models. I … Continue reading TSM 16/34 Invest in our Youth our Future Leaders
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