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TBT 18-08 Science and spirituality in perfect synchronicity

“Thoughts Become Things: International”  with Neomaya Davila aka Neo Positivity and his guest Linda Marsanico, on air from February 20th.  

Linda Marsanico, a writer, healer, spiritual coach and licensed psychologist (NY), received her doctorate in social psychology from Loughborough University, England.  At the prestigious Postgraduate Center, New York City, she took a three-year, postdoctoral internship, clinically focusing on psychodynamic counselling with children, adolescents and families.

Linda’s coaching philosophy is referred to as facilitation and collaboration, which rests on an equal relationship: the client as the ‘expert’ on self, and the facilitator as the ‘expert’ on theories for psychological, behavioural and spiritual change.

With the notion of ‘play’ taken from the work of D.W.Winnicott, the English paediatrician and psychoanalyst, Linda utilizes the beauty and function of playing: involving fantasy, creativity and energy flow.  The task is to align the conscious and unconscious mind, with the specific goal of moving toward desired changes, nurturing the healing process.




For eight years, Linda was a member of a spiritual group on Long Island, New York where she learned chanting and meditation techniques.  She studied Integrated Energy Therapy® and Vortex® modalities.  She is a Reiki Master.

Her paper “Change, Transformation: In Other Words, Compassion Leads To Changes In DNA,” citing the work of Gregg Braden and Dr. David Hawkins, was presented at SEPI, The Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, in 2006 in Los Angeles.

Since 2008 Linda has conducted workshops on the blending of our mind, body and spirit at the Sedona Creative Art Center in Arizona, the META Center, New York City, as well as in her Brooklyn and Manhattan offices.

She blogs every fortnight on love and compassion 

For a free e-book entitled, “Compassion In My Own Words,”

Linda has written a book about her continuing journey to love and compassion and its role in robust health.  She looks for a publisher who shares her excitement about the project, to bring the book to The New York Times Bestseller List.


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