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TBT 17-49 Trusting your intuition, and watering the right seeds

“Thoughts Become Things: International”  with Neomaya Davila aka Neo Positivity and his guest Donalee Gastreich, on air from December 5th. 


Donalee Gastreich is an Executive Results Coach and the CEO of Complete Solutions in Life Mastery.   Donalee has a 30 year track record of serving others and businesses.   Donalee is gifted at empowering individuals and organizations to learn and grow to their fullest potential and to take that individual, team or businesses performance to the next level to achieving measurable and repeatable results over and over again.

Donalee offers first-class coaching programs that begin with establishing a foundation for each client in clarifying personal and professional values as well as creating a short and long-term vision and goals.  She combines this insight with the client’s natural talents and learned skills to evoke greatness.   Donalee is known for her practical approach, for her evocative coaching style and for promoting powerful questions and essential think time as the foundation for executive success.   Donalee is an expert, she is skilled at spotting the paradigms that keep one stuck.

She has a contagious zest for life and an eagerness to share.   Donalee’s story of overcoming illness and setbacks in her own life is a testament to the effectiveness of the principles she shares.  Donalee is an inspiration and a motivation to others.




As you apply the principles Donalee has applied in her own life, the very principles shared and expressed in the LifeMastery program, YOUR LIFE TOO, will become a dynamic example of the power of these principles to transform your life.

Donalee, Executive Results coach and CEO of Complete solutions in Life Mastery

Complete Solutions LLC


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