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PVR 15/39 Your DNA Energy Signature

Positive Vibrations Round-table with Sara Troy and her guests Julie Renee and Bill Maquis aired September 29th-Oct 5th 

Julie Renee Doering is The Spokeswoman for Extraordinary Health and Vitality. She is the author of Your Divine Human Blueprint.

I’m Julie Renee and I literally survived the ‘Atomic Bomb testing’ ~ radiation poisoning in the Nevada dessert as a child. I had 17 surgeries, multiple cancers, and time in a wheel chair, and was told I would never walk without a cane.

To make matters worse I died twice. What I discovered on my journey was that we are wired to heal, return to great health, and live possibly hundreds of years.

An extremely versatile and sought-after guest, Julie Renee Doering has a unique way of making complex concepts fun and entertaining. Julie Renee connects with audiences nationwide; she inspires and empowers them to take control of their inner game and live fully self-expressed. Julie Renee has “been there/done that,” with 20+ years in practising holistic health, working with complex issues from birthing to life passages and overcoming illness to getting her clients to live 100% healthy, wealthy and in love with their life.

She has over 30 years experience supporting individuals and groups in Health Activation, from the high-risk pregnancy to the life-saving interventions with critically ill. Focused on assisting entrepreneurial and executive woman in attaining 100% health.

She is the founder and developer of ‘100% Healthy and The Divine Human Blueprint’ a new spiritual science ‘Cellular Quantum Mechanics’.

Some of Her books include: store-front

Your Divine Human Blueprint ~ A guide to your human design, how to use the quantum field to restore health and wellness in all areas. Introduces Cellular Neo Genesis (cell regeneration)  and (DNA Obliteration Process, how to clear difficult programs and patterns from DNA permanently)

100% You  ~ Easy access guide, intro to the Haman Blueprint, PEMER Perception Essence Energy and Matter ~ Realms and how to access the quantum filed to shift your reality simply and easily for the better. Includes training videos

All of her programs, meditations, books radio and more can be found here.

“Her free “Fatigue to Fabulous” program can be found here”.




If you would like to download or listen S.E.L.F. Discovery Radio shows on your mobile device you can download free apps here:


Bill Maquis describes himself as ”I am a humble man who embarked on a life long journey with god at my side. There to guide and teach me on how to live life with true purpose, meaning and dignity.”

This is one of the many profound statements you  may encounter Bill making during a casual conversation with him because Bill does not consider himself to be a religious person nor does he follow any prescribed faith. His belief is that god is deeply embedded into the very genetic code we are made from and it is though the relationship with S.E.L.F. (Soul Enabled Life Force) that one discovers their true purpose and meaning in life.

His has died and come back, broken his back 4 times and healed himself, has Parkinson’s Disease he was born with O.C.P (Obsessive Compulsive Phenomenon) known as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and understands how energy in our bodies work and has unique knowledge on how the brain processes information for which he has developed a very deep comprehensive program around.

Bill who lives with health diversity daily focuses the mind on accomplishing the impossible,  transforming the unimaginable into reality. The thing Bill attributes his special abilities to is his being thankful and fortunate for being blessed to receive all of these life experiences. It is these experiences that have molded and transformed him into the man that he is today.

For a list of miracles that he was gifted in his life visit his bio page Bill “Smok’n DAWG” Maquis  and Better yet why don’t you tune in each week here on S.E.l.F. Discovery Radio for Wise Health with Suma Nathan and Bill.  wise-health..        ……… and his Quinesense SHOW

More on your host Sara and other Roundtables go to...positive-living-roundtable

Saras previous shows with Julie and for her on-line programs GO HERE


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