Positive Living Vibrations with Sara Troy and her guest Margaret Cahill aired from May 26th on.
“Under Cover of Darkness:
How I Blogged My Way Through Mantle Cell Lymphoma”.
My name is Margaret Cahill and in December 2012 I was diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. I originally started blogging as a way of exploring my journey through an uncharted landscape and also of keeping in touch with the huge amount of people that my partner, Stephen, and I seemed to know. I encouraged people to post comments and the blog quickly became a source of great support for me. I really enjoyed writing about the trials and tribulations, the good (yes, there was a bit of good!), the bad, and the ugly sides of having cancer and also the challenges involved in keeping my company, The Wessex Astrologer, based in Bournemouth, England, functioning during the long stays in hospital.
It is now more than 2 years on from the initial blogs, which have been turned into a book called “Under Cover of Darkness: How I Blogged My Way Through Mantle Cell Lymphoma”. As a result of the book I am involved in radio interviews and a lot of publicity which I hope will spread the word that it is possible to get through chemo with a bit of sanity intact thanks to some amazing support and the help of some very basic nutritional supplements.
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Diary of a Reluctant Psychic by Ellie Duvall Thompson and
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